Finding the island

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Dak P.O.V-

Winger has been gone for 3 days and I'm getting worried for him. What if he got hurt? What if he...I could even finish the thought. The thought of Winger dying breaks my heart. I wonder if he found the voice...or mabey it's a dragon or...I've got nothing else.

"We should go after him..." I hear burple say, looking towards us.

"There's no point, we wouldn't be able to catch up and we can't convince him to come home." Cutter says. I'm a little surprised that Cutter didn't immediately say yes and actually said the logical thing.

I want to go after Winger so bad but I know Cutter is right. I sigh knowing there's nothing we can do.

Wingers P.O.V-

I've been flying for 3 days and the sun is starting to set. I stop at an island every night to rest before fly back up in the air in the morning. Somehow there's always an island when the sunsets. And these are not regular islands. They have the freshest fish and the most clear water. It's as if a path is layed out for me and knows how long I make it durning the day. I sigh, I miss the roost...and everyone there but something kept pushing me forward. Curiosity? Maybe. I yawned and went to the closest island and no surprise, it amazing. It's like whatever calling didn't want me to get bored so it would only give me the best.

                            ~~~time skip~~~

It was the next day and the sun was slowly rising. I got out of the small cave I slept in, got breakfast and went up into the air. I miss the company of everyone at he roost like how Cutter would always be funny. Dak always excited. Layla is always prepared. Aggro's sarcasm. Burple's heart and Summer I just missed her comfort... there was no humor, sarcasm, no one yelling on my back to go faster, Layla knowing exactly where to go, no warm heart and no comfort. I was alone. All the sudden I saw a huge island up head. There was clusters of dragons, all different kinds flying around the island. The islands beauty stoped me in my tracks. I gasped when I heard a voice in my head saying 'Your here'.

Omg we're finally getting somewhere!! Who do u think was calling him there. Because it's obviously a dragon because why would there be a human at a island of dragons? Anyway wingers dad does tie into this somewhere if ur waiting for it but for now... Vote and Comment! Byeeeee!!!

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