
Start from the beginning

"Sooo..." Jungkook started awkwardly as the two of them walked along the castle corridors bustling with students. "You really are feeling better after Saturday's game?" He asked, looking at Jimin and sounding almost concerned.

Jimin nodded. "I'm fine." He said, smiling. "Madam Pomfrey really is a genius."

Jungkook nodded back. "That's good to hear." He replied.

"Were you worried about me?" Jimin asked, surprised as he looked up at the tall Gryffindor beside him.

Jungkook looked away so as not to meet Jimin's eyes. "No." He answered quickly.

Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"I- I mean, maybe. A little yes." He stuttered.

Jimin grinned, liking how easily flustered the Gryffindor was before changing the subject.

"I guess I didn't ever really congratulate you on your win." He said with a smile.

Jungkook frowned. "I already told you. That wasn't a real win, it wasn't a fair match."

"Oh?" Jimin questioned. "So if it wasn't a real win does that mean that we aren't really friends?" He joked.

"What? No! I mean it was, but..ugh." Jungkook trailed off.

"I'm kidding." Jimin laughed. "But seriously though, why do you want to be my friend so badly?"

Jungkook didn't answer immediately, pausing for a few seconds before saying: "I dunno, I guess you just make me feel more... alive, and you know how it is with my other friends. You just seem so much more real and interesting. You're smart and kind and understanding and funny and pretty. I enjoy being around you. You make me smile."

Jimin had not expected this as an answer and stood speechless for a second before blushing darkly and looking away.

"Thanks, Kookie." He muttered, looking back down at the floor, not noticing the smile on Jungkook's face when he called him by the nickname.

The two arrived at the lunch hall and made their way over to the Hufflepuff table where Hoseok was sat with Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin.

Conversations rolled easily now that Jungkook had been with them for the last few days and the two took their seats on the long benches opposite Hoseok and Yoongi and it wasn't long before Taehyung also joined them having returned his book to the library.

They dug into their lunch of rolls of bread and butter when feminine sounding voice cleared their throat from behind them.

Jimin and Jungkook swiveled round as they all looked up to see a Gryffindor girl standing there with her hands behind her back innocently. Jimin recognised her as the girl who wasn't Jungkook's girlfriend. Astronomy-Tower-History-Of-Magic-chair-kicker girl.

"What do you want Lizzie?" Jungkook asked, his voice laced with distaste.

It occured to Jimin that this was the first time hearing the girl's name as she smiled sweetly at Jungkook. He recalled Jungkook also saying something about how she was actually quite nice once you got to know her, and he wondered now why Jungkook looked so displeased to see her.

"I want you." Lizzie answered, still smiling. "To come back and sit with us."

"Thanks but I'll pass." Jungkook replied, moving to turn back round.

Lizzie grabbed his shoulder. "Jungkookie."

Jungkook's face hardened. "I told you not to call me that."

The group watched in silence at the scene as Lizzie chuckled, clearly not sensing the tension.

"Come on, come back and hang out with us." She pleaded. "Why are you hanging out with these guys anyway?" She asked, throwing a glance in Jimin's direction.

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