1 - An Introduction

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Let's be real. Getting stuff done and getting motivated is HARD. Laziness is simple. It's so simple. Laying in bed all day, doing absolutely nothing. Scrolling through your phone. Sounds awesome, right? WRONG!

You don't like being lazy either. Sure, it's enjoyable for a week, maybe two, or a month, but eventually you'll get this feeling that you could be doing something. Or perhaps, you see someone else doing exciting things and you get this uncomfortable feeling in your chest, which you try to chase away by focusing on your phone or a movie again. You're essentially repressing this feeling but the problem doesn't go away - the fact that you're doing nothing useful. 

I'm here to give you some tried and true tricks. However, I don't have a PhD. It's not guaranteed to work. But then again, if it helps even a little - that's something, right? 

So let's go get stuff done. You ready? 

A/N: Hey guys. Me here. Just a note that this writing is a combination of my own thoughts, some quotes that I have in my head, and some books that I have read. I will try to give credit everywhere I can remember. Please don't sue. Thanks!

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