Chapter 10: An Aquarian's Trial

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'Oh really.' Dolon seemed quite amused at Rydel's realization, 'let me guess, you think the limit is your mental and physical strength?'

'Ah, yes. How did you know?'

'I know, because that has always been the case. Think about it, the artifacts are universally levels of items and systems that are driven by simple beings like us.' Dolon whipped out her arm with the Lighting Rod attached to it, 'I surgically attached the Lighting Rod myself to keep myself alive when no one else is willing to do it or even tried it. And I never knew that this was one of the artifacts, to me, it is just a piece of ancient technology locked away in the basement of the musuem.......'

'If you don't mind me asking, how did you know the artifact will keep you alive?' Rydel asked.

'Of course I didn't know.' Dolon waves it around before wrapping that arm around her body once again,'my clan had history of heart failures. I was one of the unlucky ones that was blessed with the same fate. But I was preparing for this, and I knew manipulating electricity is the only thing I can do. Us Aquarians aren't as good as humans when it comes to electronics, not even close. But we never explicitly needed it.'

'But you do if you want to control your pulse......' Now everything is slowly falling into place inside Rydel's head.

'I do need it. I have always been a fighter, so I fought for it.' Dolon swings her arms and signals some intense fighting over the artifacts, 'but your girl isn't all brawl, I have already been a master in Aquarian biology before doing this gig. I knew what I was doing.'

'But how did you......'

'I knew what I was doing, but I do not know if it will work. It was a gamble, all gamblers are, you have to go for it. I can feel the heart beating out of pace, I am losing stamina, strength, reactions time, concentration......I had no other chioce.'

'If that's the case, did you have to go through some sort of a trial too?' Rydel sat down close to Dolon and asked, 'You didn't fight an evil robot in that state right?'

'Evil robot? What are you talking about?' Dolon laughed at the idea of having to fight an evil robot to get the artifact, 'It turns out, us Aquarian nervous system is extremely potent. That's where I had my trial. I was in a meditation trance the whole time.......'

It wasn't didn't take long before the sedative effects of the Moronoro grass started to wear off. The tingling sensation from one of her arms soon expanded to twitching pain and a burning sensation. Dolon tried to shake up the cloudy mind and take a look at the connection between one of her major heart nerve endings and the thing that looked like a purple pitch fork.

Legend has it that during the birth of Aquaria, it was one piece the God of Oceans used to create life. Aquarian nervous systems are so powerful and resilient that the only way they could explain such phenomena back then, was through the one thing that gives out even more electricity than the most dangerous eels on the ocean planet.

The artifact are found near the habitats of the Aquarian black eels. They had been dangers to the Aquarian race and encounters without proper preparation rarely turns out well. They have evolved to utilize the constant bursts of electricity given out by the artifact and utilize it for their survival.

However, as the Aquarian civilization grew ever more prominent and industrial, shifts in local oceanic conditions wiped them all out, and the 'Lighting rod' were tested on for a bit, before being locked in the museum and then took off the exhibition due to the danger it poses to the Aquarian people.

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