Chapter 3: The Jaded Colored Eyes

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'Hello? Can we talk?'

It's now been a few days since the cave expedition that gave Rydel the glove. He had named it to be as close to old earth anime conventions as it gets. Ever since then, he had made it his side quest to experiment with the extent of his power in both the size of the objects he can teleport as well as distances. He picked up and threw rocks around the barren land near his temporary residence and even tried to use it pick up things up from across the room.

Henceforth, this shall be known as the Glove of Summoning

Apart from the tiny bit of physical exhaustion he experienced, there were no other side effects of using the glove. The weight of the object he is actually moving through space typically is about a fraction of what he felt in his hand. The accuracy of the summoning, being where the object is released, is about as accurate as throwing a ball. The further it is, the worse it gets and Rydel nearly destroyed another happy camper's house when through a chunk of rock.

Being the experimental engineer he is, he also found that by simply aiming and releasing instead of throwing, the 'summoned' object carries no further velocity and simply appears at the point of interest. Also being the engineer that he is, he didn't really bother figuring out how the spatial manipulation actually occurs. That's a job for the physicists.

It turns out that finding out a strangeforeign artifact that binds to your skin gives you superpowers is a great excuse to procrastinate on his actual work. And after a few days of experimenting, Rydel felt like he has spent way too much time on this without any new discoveries regarding the ability of the glove. He is finally ready to get back to work nice and early, do a compilation of all the data he collected and start looking for the next destination to move on to.

The moment he opened his computer and sees all the data files projected in mid air, someone knocked on the door and a muffled voice came through.
'Surely I have already got the camping permission?' Rydel wondered what the call was for. He had finally mustered enough motivation to get back to the less exciting part of his life, and someone interrupts him in the first minute.

He swiped his hand to open a side projection for a view of the shuttle and there stands a well dressed middle-aged female. She possesses distinct facial features with sharp jawlines and deep green eyes to the point of being jaded. The creases on her forehead showed her maturity and age, but nothing else does. She stands tall with arms crossed in front of her and stares straight into the camera.

'What's the matter, ma'am?' Rydel cleared his throat slightly and spoke into the speaker.

'Have you seen or experienced anything that's out of the ordinary recently?' The women looked straight at Rydel and it's then that he noticed her eyes are extremely green that it almost felt unnatural, 'something that may be described as reality bending?'

'And who are you?' Rydel really wasn't sure what that's for. It doesn't feel like the galactic police busting in and shooting everyone on site but he may still be in trouble somehow. 'I am Cellica Uleric, former astronaut of the explorer's sector of the space fleet. I guess I would cut to the chase here,' the women replied with utmost seriousness and her mannerisms clearly indicates her military background now that Rydel is thinking about it, 'I have the same experience as you and I have one of those artifacts. That's what I came here to talk about.'

Right as she finishes, the door to the shuttle in front of her opened and Rydel poked his head through. 'Did someone ever tell you your eyes are super cool?'

The pair sat down at the small table to the side of the shuttle with a nice view of the barren land outside. 'So, did you say something about the artifacts? What do you know about it?' Rydel leaned back and asked.

Careful Not To Break Reality - Reality Bending (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now