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Well guys and girls. Here it is 2015. As I looked back on this year I honestly couldn't be more amazed, sad, wondrous, or depressed about this year. It started off great believe me it did. Soon the end of my freshmen year came around and I had to say good bye to my friends for a couple of months. My dad got a promotion and that when my depression started kicking in. I started remembering everything my past bullies said to me and every time I went out I seemed to run into them. It got worse and worse until the point where I broke. I took that razor and dragged across my thigh thinking the pain would help. And it did for awhile, but the pain came back and so did the razor. For 6 months I cut. I'm not proud of what I did but I'm not ashamed either. I met my friend John over 2 years ago and 4-5 months ago me and him started to get to know each other. I stop cutting because he gave me a reason to. I no longer wanted to stay in bed for days on end. He gave me a reason to actually live my life and not just survive it. To this very day me and him stay up late talking and getting to know each other better.
Oh my dear Jaz, words cannot explain how happy and proud I am to have you as a friend. Your fricken amazing girl!!!! It's been almost a year now, and each time we talk it gets better and better. We may love 6-7 hours apart, by I will find a way to come see you. Meeting you face to face would be amazing and a dream come true. We talk about it all the time but haven't been able to meet. My! I will hijack a car and drive myself to you if I have to. Haha jazzmine66
Now onto the people who screwed with me and my family. Fuck you. You flipped my families whole life around without a thought of consideration to the effects it would have on us. Miss I'm Never Going To Leave. Where the hell are you now?!?! You told your parents lies and you know it. If you were a true friend you would have apologized and told your parents the truth. But nooo!!! You had to get my mom fired and caused her to sink into a deeper depression than she already was in. Hell, you even made me depressed because you were the person who I trusted for over a year and look how you screwed me over. Those memories? Keep em. I don't want them or need them. Everything I see something I know you'll like I have to remind myself that you were a bitch and that you cause me so much damn heartache. But I forgive you, your only a naive 17 year old, right? And here I am a fucking 14 year old who had to grow up and takings into her own hands because of someone ducking with her family. I'm going to say this one more. FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!
Now onto my lovely readers. You guys are amazing! I never imagined that anyone would read, let alone like, my poems and stories. You guys deserve a ribbon that says, " I'm the one who cares." You guys are fucking amazing and I can't believe you guys suck this year out with me. I love you all very much and will always be here for you guys. 😘
Now to conclude this thing I am writing, I shall say. This story is over. But never fear! I'll have a new book ready for you guys to read soon. I love you all. Good night or good morning. And have a happy new year.

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