Kindred Spirits

12 0 0

His heart shatters

As she walks into the man's arms

Breaking into pieces that cut him

Scars would be a luxury

He thinks

They would mean that he was done with her

Unblemished skin is the most appealing

Having no ties to begin with

No one to betray his trust

He doesn't cry

He's too strong

Simply smiles a smile

Of absolute heartwrenching agony

In return to hers

When she looks at him 

Not actually seeing him

So preoccupied with her

That he doesn't notice

His own admirer watching 

Him from afar

Much in the same manner 

He watches the object of his affections

So caught up in her

That he doesn't realize 

Life is passing him by

Much in the same manner

His own viewer is forfeiting her own life

For the same reason

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