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As the beautiful creature that once soared

Magnificently in the air

Lies on the ground

Broken and in pain

He weeps to himself for having ever been so vain

As to think that beauty was all that mattered

And the others who watched helplessly

Slowly dwindle in number

For he is no longer fair

And no longer of any importance

And they move onto others whose

Radiant beauty travels throughout the land

And the beautiful creature allows itself to

Slip from the folds of reality

For without its glamour and grace,

Where and how can it belong in this place?

But he is anchored to the world

By a being he once viewed as hideous

And she remains by his side

Merely waiting and hoping

And as she breathes life into him,

He is saved

And hers to keep

For beauty is not simply skin-deep

Poems From A Cluttered MindWhere stories live. Discover now