chapter 1

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Dipper tossed and turned in his bed as he slept. His sleep was anything but sound. Monsters roamed in his head, as well as demons and angry people who just wanted to hurt him. STAB! He woke up with a gasp, clenching his stomach where the nightmare wound had been inflicted. He realized that it was just a dream and sighed a breath of relief. "Thank god," he whispered to himself.

These terrible dreams had been plaguing his mind ever since he got back to gravity falls this year. It'd been two weeks without any proper sleep and it was really getting to him. He kept dozing off into his food and even while he was walking. At this point, he was a hazard to himself. He needed to do something about this.

Dipper yawned and got out of bed. He got dressed, thankful that Mabel wasn't still in the attic with him or else he might have waken her up. Ever since they got older, Mabel had moved into the extra bedroom they had found when they were kids. Soos didn't need it anymore because he shared Stan's old room with Melody. Stan was off with Ford going on adventures in the Stan O War after they reunited and made up. He was sad that he couldn't go with them, but Ford made up for it by leaving Dipper his journals.

He grabbed the three journals, spray paint, and some candles, putting them in his backpack. Carefully and quietly, he exited the shack and made his way into the woods. He knew that he wasn't supposed to, but he was going to do what few people have dared to do. He was going to summon a demon. The demon written about in his great uncle's journal.

He went far into the woods so that he knew no one would be around and spray painted the demonic wheel and symbols onto the grass. He got out the candles, placing them where they needed to be and lighting them. Lastly, he recited the incantation and everything went grey. The only color was the blue flames of the candles. A glowing light started to form in the center of it all, until it finally stopped glowing and showed a young man the same age as Dipper. He had blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes. He wore a blueish-green sweater vest with a white undershirt, black pants, and it was all topped off with a bow tie.

Dipper didn't realize that he was staring until, the Demon walked up to him and closed the brunette boy's slightly open mouth while smirking. He blushed and stepped back, embarrassed.

"The name's Bill Cipher," Bill said, taking Dipper's hand and kissing it. "At your service~"

He blushed more, but quickly shook his head and drew his hand back. "I'm not here for your flattery, demon. I know how dangerous you are and I'm not going to be falling for any of your tricks," he stated firmly.

"Oh, so you've heard of me?~"

Dipper didn't enjoy his calm attitude, but didn't let it get to him. "Yes. So don't think you can screw me over as easily as you have done to others."

Bill put his hand over his chest. "Me? Try to screw you over?" He chuckled softly. "I would never."

"Oh sure." The teen rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's get straight to the point. I need to make a deal with you."

"And what kind of deal might that be, Pinetree?~"

"My name is Dipper. And I need you to get rid of my nightmares. You can do that, right?"

"I can do that with ease, my dear~ Don't fret any longer~" Bill held his hand out for a shake.

"Oh no, demon. I want to know your side of the deal first. I'm not stupid."

The blonde shook his head. "My side isn't important right now~"

Dipper narrowed his eyes. "No. Tell me or the deals off."

"Oh you're no fun," he pouted. "Fiiiine, I'll tell you.. In exchange for getting rid of your nightmares.." He thought for a moment. "I get to make your new dreams about whatever else I want~ So what'd'ya say?"

The brunette had to think for a moment. This could be a trap. Technically they couldn't be nightmares anymore..soo they'll probably just be super weird or something.. He nodded. "Okay."

Bill's hand caught on fire with blue flames as he continued to hold it out for the other. "It's a deal."

Dipper looked at the flames with worry, then determination as he gripped the demon's hand and shook it firmly. "It's a deal," he repeated.

The world's color returned and the candles blew out. Bill pulled his hand back and smirked at him. "Ready to get some sleep?~ And since I'm so nice, I'll even teleport us back to your place so you don't have to walk~"

"Oh you don't ha-"

Bill didn't let him finish, snapping his fingers and teleporting them to the attic of the shack.

His eyes widened and he looked at the blonde. "How did you even know where I live?" He whisper yelled at him.

He just tapped his head and started to push the other towards the bed.

Dipper blushed with Bill's hands on his chest, but walked backwards and got in bed like he wanted him to, pulling the covers over himself.

Bill smiled and touched the teen's forehead lightly.

He fell asleep instantly.

Waking up the next morning, the demon was gone and Dipper didn't feel tired at all. Just as promised, he slept soundly through the night. He smiled and got out of bed, putting on some different clothes. At first, he thought that he didn't dream at all, but then it hit him. He had a really weird dream last night. It almost made sense in a way, but it was also one of those dreams where you don't remember it completely, so it nags at you the whole day while you try to remember and make sense of it. Dipper hated those kinds of dreams and he sighed. He was still happier though. Anything was better than those nightmares keeping him up.

The smell of pancakes suddenly reached his nose and he inhaled deeply. "Yessss." This morning was really looking up now.

He rushed downstairs and saw Mabel already in her clothes and drinking 'Mabel juice'. She was standing in the kitchen making stacks of pancakes.

"Morning, Mabel," Dipper chirped with a smile.

Mabel paused. "Woah woah woah woah, hold the phone." She turned around, looking surprised. "Dipper? Is that you? You're never up this early."

"Yep," he answered proudly. "It's me."

"That's amazing! You finally got some sleep!" She cheered, going over and hugging him tight. "So how'd you do it?"

"I don't know. The nightmares just went away on their own, I guess," he lied, shrugging.

"I knew they would if you just relaxed," she said and smiled.

"Uh Mabel.. I think your pancakes are burning.." he chuckled.

"Oh shit!" Mabel rushed over to the stove and flipped the pancakes. "Awww, they're all black on one side," she whined.

Dipper laughed. "I'm sure they're still good," he assured.

"Maybeee," she huffed.

They ate breakfast together when Soos and Melody woke up. For the first time in a while, Dipper didn't have to be woken up at the table or snapped out of his tired dazes. He felt so much better.

(A/n) 1245 words my doods...  I knowww I'm supposed to be writing one of my other stories skdmkskmd don't hate me please. Anywayyyy, what do you guys think so far? (I promise that the other chapters won't have such a rushed feel 😭)

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