Im Going to Be Selfish....Just this Once

Start from the beginning

I got Ben a Lily, I guess it's just traditional at this point. Ben had always loved the variety that the flower came in, so this year I got him a stargazer. He loved lilies, and he loved the Stars. His last flower should be a combo of the two.

I got May a Sunflower. I'm not sure if it was her favorite or not, but she always made a point to buy some fresh ones whenever they where in bloom. She loved the sent of summer, it reminded her of her childhood, how she'd spend hours running through sun flower fields. It reminded her of how she first met my uncle, playing hide and go seek in them. She loved them, and hopefully her last flower will be the one she wanted.

For Tony I got an reason, it just looked cool and was the most extra looking plant they had. I hope he'll like it, though I'm sure he'll get flowers for the next hindered years.

And for Harley, I got him a simple red rose. Call me cliche, but whatever.

Before I went to the fifth place, I made stop 4.5 at my foster house. Leaving my school bag and grabbing a different one, filling it with a few needed items before continuing on my way.

The fifth spot I went to was a special one, it was the spot where Harley and I had our first kiss. It was night and I was cold, so he pulled me into his arms. After that it sort of just happened, we both leaned in and just like that Harley stole my heart. It was the most magical year of my life.

Until that god damn car accident took it away.

Blinking away the tears that sprung into my eyes, I got up and made my way to the cemetery.

I made sure to visit May and Ben first, laying their flowers down, I tried not to feel guilty as I did.

"Hey Ben, May, hows it going?" I asked.

I felt the wind pick up a bit and chuckled slightly.

"I'm not so hot, but it's fine, I don't have to last any longer."

The cemetery was silent, the drop of a hat could be heard.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry it's come to this. Harley was just my breaking point, but try not to be too sad. I'll see you guys soon, ok?"

With that I walked to Tonys memorial. It was due to a stroke of dumb luck that his memorial was here.

"Hey Mr. Stark," I said, placing the orchid down. His memorial was already littered with flowers, but that wasn't going to stop me from paying my respects, "uh I got you this orchid because it was the most extra flower they had, it reminded me of you,"

I stood in content silent for several minutes, enjoying the peaceful bliss that fell on me once in a blue moon.

I didn't know what else to say, and it was getting late, so I just sighed.

"I'll see you soon, Mr. Stark,"

With that, I turned and walked to Harley's grave.

When Harley moved to Intern, his family moved to NYC with him. Thinking that getting out of the country would be a nice change of pace. It was, they all really liked it here, until the accident. Abby and Mrs. Keener couldn't stay here after that, they both moved back to Rosehill. They decided to have Harley's funeral/ tomb stone here.

Either way, I guess I was grateful that they left at least a small piece of him behind for me.

Smiling, I sat down beside his grave, pulling out the rose and laying it down.

"Hey Harles, how are you?" I pulled my knees up to my chest.

Again, nothing ever really changed, so I was used to it by now.

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