Plan B

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"Where's this new food truck festival?" Gus asked as he got in the car.
"About that," Shawn began.
"Damn it, Shawn. You know I'm busy at this job, you can't be pulling me away for case stuff without warning." Gus said, rolling his eyes.
"Gus, I need you. This case is important to Juliet and she's losing her mind not being able to solve it herself. We have to help her." Shawn said.
"Fine, you're right. But we're stopping for Cinnabon."
"I already put it in the maps on my phone."


"Dude, did you really eat five whole Cinnabon's?" Shawn looked at Gus as he licked frosting off his fingers.
"That's not of your damn business." Gus replied, "Where are we anyway?"
"Angelicas house."
"You brought me to a possible arsonist murder's house without warning?" Gus asked, his voice rising.
"You say that like you're surprised? Gus, don't be ridiculous."
Shawn cut Gus off from saying anymore by knocking on the door of the modest suburb house.
There was a silence for some time before the door was pulled slightly ajar.
"What do you want?" A voice from the other side of the door said.
"Hi, my name is Shawn Spencer and this is my partner CareBearLover09. I am a psychic detective on an investigation. Can we talk to you?"
"One day I'm gonna do the introductions." Gus muttered.
"You sounds crazy, I don't need to talk to you." The voice said.
"It's about your son." Shawn said.
"Who sent you?" She opened the door a little more. She looked tired with dark bags under eyes, even more apparent on her pale skin. The dark curly hair was a contrast to her complexion as well.
"We think they're might be a break in the case." Shawn said, inching forward to try and see inside the house.
"How is that possible? The man who did it is dead. There is no case." She retorted.
"I know. But we think there may be some new advances, um, related to the case."
"I don't want to hear this. Leave here and don't come back." She said. Gus started to speak but Angelica slammed the door in their faces.
"Well that went well." Gus said.
Shawn turned around and headed back towards the car. "It doesn't matter. It wasn't her."
"What? She was our main suspect. Who else could it be?" Gus shot back.
"Didn't you look at her? That was not a women out for vengeance. It looked like she hadn't slept in months, probably since the case last year. And her hands were soft."
"What's that got to do with anything?" Gus asked.
"No burns or cuts from handling the materials to build a bomb, Gus. Obviously. And her complexion? She's paler than one of those sparkling Twilight werewolves. It looks like she hasn't left the house is months."
"What?" Shawn asked.
"The vampires in Twilight sparkle, not the werewolves." Gus explained.
"Gus why do you know that?" Shawn asked, looking exasperated.
"Shawn, we watched all the movies together like 3 weeks ago."
"I've heard it both ways." Shawn responded.
"That doesn't make sense."
"Whatever, we need to figure what to do."
"We're back to square one? No suspects?" Gus asked.
"No," Shawn paused, "Jules instinct is always right. The bomb is related to this case. Just maybe not Angelica."
"Okay, let's get back to work."

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