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The doctor set his clip board down on the end on the bed and clasped his his hands behind his back.
"Hello, my name is Dr. Quinn. I am the Doctor who performed the surgery on you to remove the bullet. I have full faith that you should recover just fine, but I must speak with you about some internal damage that the bullet did." He said.
"What kind of damage?" Juliet asked.
"At the angle you were shot, the bullet cause some series damage to your uterus. I did the best possible to fix the damage, but some things cannot be fixed." He said.
"What are you saying?" Juliet asked. Shawn could hear the nervousness in her voice. He reached his hand down and held hers.
"I am very sorry but due to this injury, your chance of ever conceiving a child are unlikely." The doctors voice was quiet and grave when he spoke, then he bowed his head and left the room.
"Jules? Jules, you okay?" Shawn asked, sitting down on the bed next to her.
"I don't know." She said, her voice was barely a whisper.
"Hey, it'll be okay. He didn't say all your chances were gone. Maybe one day, we'll be the impossible. Or we could adopt a kid. Or it could just be the two of us, whatever you want; I will help you." Shawn said, then kissed her hand.
"It'll be okay?" She echoed shawn, still in shock.
"Of course, Jules. We still are getting married in a few months. And you'll be healed soon and we can go back to work and we can beat all the bad guys. We have so much to look forward too. We will be okay." Shawn said, and smiled at her.

* hello! I know it's been a long time since I've updated this story, but I've been watching a lot of psych lately and I had a request to continue so I thought I'd pick it back up:) I'll try to be more consistent with updating it :) *

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