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* a note from the author: I have been highly inconsistent with updating this story, despite actually having some interest in it from readers. So I am finally going to get my life together (probably) and finish this up! Overall I don't this the story will pan out to be incredibly long, but I hope you enjoy whatever I write! Also I'm going to continue on writing as if I haven't seen the revival special (though I obviously have and it's amazing) but I started writing this before that ever happened*

"You need to rest, Jules, at least a few more days." Shawn said, reaching out to grab her hand.
"Shawn, I'm fine. I have been resting for weeks; I am plenty healthy to return to work. The guy who did this to me is behind bars. I have no reason to worry. We might not even have a case for a while." Juliet explained, for the third time this morning. "Shawn, I love you. And I love that you're concerned, but I'm tough and I will be just fine."
Shawn sighed but just smiled and placed a soft kiss on her lips, "And I will be there to protect you too."
Juliet laughed, "We all know who does the protecting in this relationship."


At the station, the morning was quiet. There was officers catching up on paperwork while chatting about the weather. Technically Shawn wasn't invited into any case, but he sat by Jules desk and watched her work.
Shawn wasn't usually someone who could sit quietly for long, but watching Jules work was a calming activity.
The weeks passed were hard recovery for her. Shawn knew that the truth of Juliet's injury hurt her more than she let show, but he tried to be there for her as much as he could. He was never one for the intense and emotional stuff, he knew he had to be at her side for this. Even if he could never understand it on her level.
"Shawn?" Juliet said.
"Are you just going to sit there and watch me all day?" She asked.
He was looking at her with a goofy smile, hoping that his jokes would keep the mood light.
"You don't need to treat me like a glass doll. I am more than that. I have survived so much, we both have, and we can survive this just the same." Juliet said.
"I know, Jules. I know we can."
All of a sudden the fire alarm went off in the station. Its screeching noise echoed throughout the rooms.
Juliet and Shawn jumped up and looked around for a sign of danger. There didn't seem to be a fire in the main office, but everyone rushed out to the parking lot.
"Clear! The building is clear!" The sheriff of the station shouted.
"Is there a fire?" Juliet called out.
"Not one that I can see, but the fire department is on their way." She answered. Arianna Copley, a middle aged African American woman, stood atop a tree stump. Even as the small woman she was, she commanded the attention of all the officers and other personnel.
"Could is just be a malfunction?" Someone asked.
Before Sheriff Arianna could answer, there was a loud explosion. Shawn threw himself across Jules as they both fell to the ground.
The blast came from the back of the police station and set the rest of the building on fire.
"Are you okay?" Shawn asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. What the hell just happened?" Jules asked.
"We're under attack." The sheriff answered.

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