The Last Boy

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"I think we should have stayed longer and helped." Jules said as Shawn set down the Chinese takeout that they'd picked up on the way home.
"Juliet, I'm sure they will survive without us for a few hours, we both need some rest." Shawn responded.
"The hours we spent there we still hadn't found anything useful yet." Gus said, opening the rice and pouring it onto his plate.
"That's what I am worried about. There's got to be some sort of clue somewhere that will lead to a break in the case. This is important, the station should be a safe place for us all." Juliet said, her voice strained with stress.
Shawn reached over and placed his hand over hers, "We'll find whoever did this Jules, I promise."
"Yeah, Juliet, we are on the case. There is absolutely no need to worry." Gus said with his chest puffed out, but only earned an eye roll from Jules and Shawn. "What?"
"Dude, this is serious." Shawn answered.
"Yeah I know, I really want to help solve this." Gus said.
"I know you do Gus, thank you." She said. She took a deep breath and reached for her own food. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks and began to eat it straight from the box.
"Do we have any ideas?" Shawn asked, also starting to eat his food.
"It's has to be someone with some sort of vendetta against the police. Our best bet it to go through old case files. There must be someone in there who feels wronged enough to act out on it. It's not like we haven't seen that happen before." Jules answers.
"You're right, we have seen it before and it seems the most likely. But we have to find who." Shawn nods, continuing to chew his chicken.
Gus asked, "No one on the force has had any luck finding a suspect yet?"
"When we left, no one seemed even likely enough to interview." Jules answered.
"Then let's interview everyone we can." Gus suggested.
"That's got to be hundreds of people just in the past year, though." Juliet said.
"We can still try." Shawn said, "We'll start with people we think are more likely than move on to everyone."
"That's a lot of manpower with maybe no pay off, Arianna might not go for it." Juliet said.
Shawn shrugged, "Then we'll do it all ourselves."
"Who do we think it could be? Thinking back to the cases we've worked lately? Who is someone that lost everything?" Gus asked, picking up some more noodles with his chopsticks.
Juliet dropped her food.
The sound of the chopsticks echoed in the kitchen.
"Who?" Gus and Shawn spoke at the same time.
"She was the mother of Peter, the boy who was taken by Daniel Cuttle. He was the youngest of them, only seven. He was the little boy with those big blue eyes." Juliet explained.
"I remember him. That was almost a year ago. Cuttle kidnapped five boys and kept them in his basement." Gus said.
"And we were able to save them all except Peter." Shawn said, realization washing over him.
"It's Angelica. It's her revenge." Juliet confirmed.

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