Chapter 8

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Mason's POV

I wake up, very sweaty, in a familiar bed, 'what the hell happened last night?' I think to myself, a headache swarms my head and my ass hurt, they got worse when I moved, out heard something, or saw something bright, I finally realized I was back at Jay's place 'oh that's right, I went to the party last nig-' my thought was stopped when I saw Jay laid next to me, completely naked, I was naked as well 'did we-? No, we couldn't have, could we?' I sit up spotting out clothes spread across on the his bedroom floor, 'oh no' all the evidence was here, our clothes, my ass hurting, but how did we get to his house from the party? All I can remember was getting there meeting some guy named Chad, I think, then seeing Matt he was already wasted and he gave Jay and I something then it's all blurry, wait, what time is it? I rush to find my phone putting my clothes on at the same time, I find it under Jay's bed 'Monday, 11:36!' Holy shit we have exams today, who the fuck has a party on a school night not that I care a lot about school but still, fuck I have to wake up Jay, he might remember something, I quickly and quietly put on the rest of my clothes, then walk up to Jays sleeping body, he shuffles a little revealing his member from under the covers 'holy shit, he's big' my whole face heated up like it was on fire, I turn away realizing I was staring, thankfully he's asleep, I clear my throat and shake him a bit trying to wake him up "Jay! Wake up" I whisper yell just in case his parents were home, he groaned and shuffled revealing more of his waist, Jesus his body's hot, he squints his eyes due to the lights coming from his windows, I turn around, avoiding his hot naked body, he makes a confusion hum sound I point in the direction of his member but not directly at it signaling him, "oh, shit sorry," he mumbles sleepily "what happ-?" "I don't know" I intrude on his question, "I'll, uh, go downstairs, and let you change" I try not to make things awkward, I go to the living room and pray that his parents didn't come home, and heard what ever the fuck happened last night, I check my phone to see if that would give me any clues but I got nothing besides many calls from friends and my mom, she's probably worried sick, Jay rushes downstairs "there's some painkillers in the kitchen" he notified walking towards then kitchen I go up to him and take some painkillers, "do you remember anything?" I ask still a little fuzzed "nope, I'm guessing you don't either" he sighs "did we um" he rubs the back of his neck trying to calm himself down "I don't know" I respond 'so much for Saturday' I sigh "we should get to school before we miss all the exams" I state, he nod.

We get to school, and go into our classrooms after checking into the front desk, I sit down next to Eric in biology "what happened to you at the party? You disappeared" he whispered to me "you were there?" I must have been so wasted I don't even remember Eric being there, god damn, I'm so fucking tired I might sleep through lunch, "yeah, we went together, Jesus what did Matt give you guys?" "I can't remember anything, what happened?" I groan, "well I can't much for what happened to you since I kept losing you in the crowds but at one point I'm pretty sure you yelled "let's fuck" at someone" he explains 'shit, could I have said that to Jay and then we actually did' I sigh.

Eric and I walked into the house being greeted by Jay and this other dude, "I'm Chad!" He yelled over the music, the party only actually started about 10 minutes ago and there's already a shit ton of people here, we introduced ourselves to Chad, I looked over to my left and spotted a very drunk Matt, he spotted me as well and drunkenly walked over to us, "hey buddiesssss" he slurred, I chuckled a bit, "YOU WANT SOMETHING TO DRINK?!" Matt suddenly started yelling Jay covered Matt's mouth "too loud" he said to Matt who just nodded, "I'm gonna steal you guys for second" he slurred grabbing on to Jay and I's shoulders and pushing us away from Chad and Eric, he stopped in a random corner and lets go of our shoulders we turned around to face Matt as he looked for something in his pockets "aha" he exclaimed pulling out a little baggie, Jay and I look at each other confused, I shrug then look back at Matt "take these they make you feel great" he had two pills in the palm of his hand, I didn't take Matt to be a drugs type of guy more of a drinking type to be honest, "are you sure these are safe?" I question cautiously "it's ok, I promise, It's a bag of blur" he responds and chuckles, we stupidly shrug and take the pills, I didn't feel anything at first so I tell Eric that Matt gave us something but then the place filled with color, in different shapes, I danced on tabletop and when a song I knew came on I would scream the lyrics as loud as possible, I saw Matt wiggling me around, as everything got loud I started to let lose then started dancing and screaming random shit again, "Matt!" I yelled even though he was right in front "yeah" he yelled back "I love you!" I smiles like an idiot, he stopped dancing and grabbed my shoulders again causing me to stop as well, we look into each other eyes "I love you too, Mason" then Matt pulled me towards him connecting our lips, in this moment I didn't realize we were kissing until he forced his tongue into my mouth and pushed me against the nearest wall, I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck, we both pull away with goofy smiles on our faces "there it is" he said, someone calls Matt over, making us separate "bye-bye" I wave lazily and smile, I see Eric pushing himself through the crowds to get to me, "Mason are you ok?" He concerned "oh yeah, I'm great! Go have fun!" I note to him "I think I'm gonna take you home" "but we just got here, and I barely got to do anything" I pout "Mason, we've been here for 2 hours and I think you've done everything" he states "fine... my hoodie with Jay I'm gonna go get it" I sigh and go look for Jay eventually finding him in the kitchen with some other guys, "hey, can I have my hoodie?" "leaving already?" He drags me away from the group of guys "Eric won't let me stay" Jay aws and takes my hoodie off from his waist "you could come over again, maybe have a bit more fun than last time" he slurred a little, I giggle "let's fuck!" I basically scream, he shushes me but couldn't keep a straight face since he kept chuckling.

Him and I 💖~Misfits fanfic~💖 (Completed✅)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ