headcannons #2

454 1 6

Having dusk in your team

•It'll be pretty difficult catching him because he can be pretty stubborn

•it'll be a little hard for him to work with others mostly because he has major trust issues

•he's a grumpy boi so giving him a hug is difficult since we'll mostly try to squirm out of it

•he'll start to be nice if he starts to trust you which is great since it's pretty hard to get him to trust someone

•dont let him near any sweets
Because he'll eat them

•he has a sweet tooth fam OwO

•he'll need a hug when he's sad about something, he'll run up to you and hug your legs if he trust you

•please let him be in the same team as (y/n) QwQ

(Random question: would you let dusk in your team?)

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