A Stone Heart

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A heavy heart weighs down the chest

Broken and a little beaten

sunken and slightly bruised

but no matter how much it's tossed about

the heart will always become anew. 

For strong is the weathered heart

Polished by rough waters and harsh winds

Baking in the heat of the sun

Until it is whole once again.

For its cracks are filled with pieces 

of what others left behind.

Little pieces of their heart

they couldn't contain in time.

Even though the waters

have tossed and turned their ways

it has smoothed down rough edges

that used to cut and slay. 

For now the heart in gentle

it's sharp edges cut no more

for it knows the path is hard

as it once traveled down before. 

But time can harden hearts 

as much as it wears them down

trails make them stronger 

until they no longer can be pushed around. 

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