Chapter 2

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He then pulled his arm away from her before stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked down at his feet, before taking a deep breath and looking up, he backed away a little before I finally realized that my arms were crossed. I smiled at him, before uncrossing my arms and leaving them to my sides.

I looked at him before he put one of his hands out held it in front of me, I told a hold of his bony hands,

“Well kid, my name is Sans, I have a brother named papyrus, welcome to AFTERTALE” He rubbed the back of his skull with his other hand, and looked at me. I blinked a few times before apologizing silently

“Well bone-head my name is Seven, at your service” I bowed hearing a small laugh come from sans. I looked up to find him covering his mouth a REAL smile on his face

“Welp I have to get going, wanna come with, I'm pretty sure that this place will CHILL YOU TO THE BONE, I pretty sure my bro wouldn’t mind, we have lived with a human many times before” sans said to himself before leading me on toward a small purple house, the windows and frames were broken, and white. But the house was emitting the smell of cinnamon pie. It brought back memories of my mom, my mom loved baking especially sweets. A goat came out, one of her arms was missing and some gashes were covering her body, some fur was missing, she, as sans, wasn't bothered by their gashes. Her dress is white, but an upside down heart cracked where her chest was. Besides all that, she had a beautiful smile on her face, her two fangs hanging out of her mouth.

"Oh young skeleton you shouldn't go out by yourself it may be too dangerous" she then looked at me, her smile fell, and her eyes widen

"Young Sans get away from that, that , monster" I looked at her with sympathy, I looked toward sans, he looked at his slippers

"Toriel she isn't a threat, she did something that MONSTER didn't" Toriel looked at me, with hurt eyes

"Young sans what did she do?" sans looked toward me, I nodded.

I took a step forward, she did the opposite,

"Toriel, I Seven Pinky Promise that I will hurt nobody here" Toriel looked at my extended hand, and opened her arm wide. I took the chance to take the hug. I wrapped myself around her, she waited for a bit before hugging me back, I looked at her tears streaming down her cheeks. I held her for longer allowing the tears to finish before kissing her forehead like a mother does her child.

"Thank you child" she then goes into the house, and brings out a pie, there was a cinnamon smell emitting from it.

"Just like moms" I whispered, forgetting that sans was next to me.

"What happened to your mom?" Sans asked

"My mom always made pie, and sugary treats almost everyday. She would make my favorite Butterscotch Pie, but it would taste so good, because of the amount of love she had in it. She would give me cookies when I was sick, but they would be chewy so I could eat it. My mom was the best there was" I said getting a piece of the pie, the butterscotch hitting my taste buds like a tidal wave. I chewed and swallowed, before setting it down to give Toriel a hug

"Thanks Mrs. Toriel"

"Sweetie call me Goat mom" I smiled

'I got my mom back'" Okay Mom" her eyes started to fill with tears again

"It's okay child, I'm fine, It's just that I've haven't been called that in a long time" I hugged her before going to sans

"I'll be back mom, Sans and I are going to explore the underground"

"Just, just come back okay, don't get hurt" Mom said,

"I'll protect her Mrs. Toriel" She gave Sans a serious look, he started to sweat drop.

We left and we passed a massive gate, he had to move it to open it, he then held my hand to guide me through a small town called "SNOWD'IN" I laughed at the pun, and looked around. A lot of the monsters had pale fur or skin, with either red or white outfit. I looked at a small monster, he had no arms, and some slashes were covering up his torso, every monster seemed scared or angry with me.

'I haven't done anything' I looked at sans, he wasn't bothered by any of the stares

"Sans, why is everyone pale, or have some gashes that are splitting them in half and not bothered" I said, he stopped and his little circular eye disappeared

" because, the last child, well she was a monster, had killed everyone, but kept resetting, she had done it so much, we just developed the gashes, and cuts on us. Then she just stopped resetting and escaped. Everyone stopped having hope that these, these, stupid resets wouldn't happen. Go back to our old lives. I hate having to see Pappy with just a head, he can't even make spaghetti like he used to. He had so much hope for her that every time he died, he said the same line "I Believe in you". She kills him anyways" he started to scream red tears streaming down his face, I wrap my arms around him and he sobbed into my shoulder, I was taller than him so I placed my head against him, he was crying into my shoulder, then a light blue, and green started to appear from my chest, monsters started to gasp and stare at the glowing light.

Sans looks down, and his face shapes into a smile. It stops glowing and sans steps away from me, I look at him confusingly

"What was that?" I held where I felt the light come from, panic started to form, as I paced around sans. He stops me by grabbing my arms, I started to panic again attempting to get him away from me

"calm down Seven there is nothing wrong with you" I stared at him for a while, his calm features calmed me down

"That was your SOUL, It is you, whatever happens to your soul will damage you. Those colors are what you well meaning, usually humans have one trait, but you have two" Sans explained, stuffing his hands in his pockets, a slight blush covering his cheekbones, I had my mouth open, and tilted to the side like a dog, "Usually the SOUL comes out during a FIGHT, which is when you FIGHT, ACT, SPARE, and TAUNT" he shudders, before continuing forward "Here let me show you to my place, It's getting colder don't want you to get sick. I'm sure pappy wouldn't mind, he has also lost his head;)" Sans said

"You're pretty humerus" He chuckled

"Ice one"

"I got Skele TON more" he started to laugh

"You've got me" I started to shiver, I should've brought a jacket, only if I knew that I wasn't going to die jumping down the big whole. Then it suddenly got warmer, I looked at myself, there was a white jacket, it had fluff at the hood

"Won't you get cold"

"Nope, the cold goes right through me" He says, we stop for a second so I can adjust it, I didn't notice that sans was looking at me until I looked up

"Like what you see? Mhm it smells like pine needles and ketchup" Sans blushed dark, before putting his head in his sweater"

"yeah, you look good" I heard him mumble

"Aww~ thanks Sansy~" he went deeper in his sweater.

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