chapter 1

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It was snowing, and the roads were a little slick, but cars were still allowed to drive on it. My mom just got off of work, and I helped her. Sweeping the stairs, mopping the floor, and wiping the kitchen counters.

When we exited the house, my dad was waiting in the car, the headlights only reaching 5 feet away. I wrapped my arms around myself, and hurried to the car where I slipped behind my dad. I buckled up, and dad turned the radio on a rock song blasting through the car windows. I saw my mom taking keys and locking down the lady's house before putting it in the potted plant next to the door.

My mom entered the car, and huffed before checking on me, She smiled and then turned down the radio.

Her and dad kept talking about what they are going to do with the money that mommy made. I suggested a few things here and there, like candy, and new clothes. After that I stopped, I looked out the window watching the flurries fall unto the window only to melt when it touched the glass. After a while it started to fog. I looked at mom and dad, they were talking about getting a new house that is much bigger than the last, suggesting my own bathroom, when everything went downhill.

I saw my mom leaning toward dad while blinding headlights were coming just for us. Everything seemed to slow down, and I felt a bunch of emotions hit me, my eyes watering, but then my stomach numbed. My body swept to the left, and my seat belt came undone and my head hit the side window.

When everything was over with a lady, that was a nurse at the local hospital that just got off her shift helped me, my leg was stuck between the door and the seat, My dad held his head, and his fingers were crushed on the steering wheel and the dashboard. He was concealing his pain, as he looked behind him. The nurse had got a cover and wrapped it around me, she got out her phone and called 911. I looked behind the nurse to see a teenage girl, she was on the phone, most of what i got was

‘Its my moms new car’ The nurse rubbed my shoulder and told me that I was a strong girl. By about 15 minutes and a few conversations 2 ambulances came by, they put me on a stretcher and then my dad.

It dawned on me, that i didn't hear my mom the whole time, I lifted my head and the nurse pushed it back down

“Don’t worry, your mom and dad are in the same ambulance” her voice soothes me to sleep.

One year Later

“We are going to put her to sleep, her body can’t keep going through this much pain………….” that’s all i heard before I sobbed, my shoulders shaking, and whimpers flowing through my lips.

“Isn’t *hiccup* Isn’t there another way, does she have to”

“I wish there was any other option” the doctor leaned down and placed his hands on my shoulder, his voice lowering until he whispered

“At least your dad lasted, he wasn't gonna be able to move his hands, but he did healed for you” The doctor then got up and started to talk with dad about what was happening to her body, but one fact didn't pass my ears

“You must have not known, but your wife had stage five lung cancer” My eyes widen, and then everything hit me,

‘No wonder she had breathing treatment, and she went on secret doctor visits, and the drawer was filled with lots of medication!!!!’ I cried harder. My dad reached over to me and patted my back, letting his thumb rub in circles, in a constant pattern.

That day I held my moms hand, her grip weak, and her breathing ragged.

“I love you mommy”

She smiled, her pale cracked lips stretching into a smile, a sweet nurse nodded her head, as she took everything off of my mom, and exited the room.

“I love you too,” she coughed, “take care of your dad, and remember kindness is ever-” The doctor then opened the door, and took my moms favorite blanket, and set it over her, after closing her eyes, The doctor then moved us away. I felt numb after that.

Five years later

My life turned out for the worse, after years of watching over my dad, he fell into a deep depression and then anger. He would come home late and when he did, he was shitfaced drunk. He kept telling me that it was my fault

‘He needed someone to blame, he’s so sad’ He would grab the belt that was constantly around his waist and beat me with the medal part. Then after a few weeks, the belt wasn't enough and he would beat me more, sometimes with a metal bat, or a switch.

I wanted to end myself, I couldn’t take the emotional, and physical abuse. I didn’t cut, that felt like a waste of time, the only girls who would do that to themselves would do it for attention. I didn’t want that either. So I ran away while my dad was probably getting drunk in the local pub.

“He won’t miss me either way”

‘Where is this mountain?’ A car passed me and I held out my thumb, the car pulled to a soft stop, before a woman about the age of 56 rolled down the window

“Do you know how to get to Mt. Ebbot” the lady told me the directions and drove away.

When I got to the mountain, I took a deep breath of fresh air, and continued into a cave where a tiny rock was placed in the middle of the ground. I looked at it before stepping forward, a large hole was carved into the ground, and if you look down it, it looked like it continued further and further down

‘This is my chance’ I turned myself away from the hole, and looked at the opening of the cave

“Bye” I then leaned back and relaxed my body. I closed my eyes, the sound of the wind lulled me to sleep.

Until I hit the ground, My body tensed up, I wasn’t relaxed, my eyes shot open. My eyes traveled to the dull crystals that adjoined the ceiling, I sat up holding my head, my eyes closing for a second before opening them cause the pain was all gone. I looked, and checked myself, some bruises were forming around my elbows, and pain was surrounding my back, and hands.

I finally looked at what had saved me from my freedom. There was a red aura that surrounded me but they must have been too late as I still felt the pain. There were buttercups, except the petals were an empty white and the stem, and sepal were a dark red. But it seemed like dried blood was crusting on some of the petals.

“Hey kid, You could have died, what were you thinking?” a male voice said, It was smooth and low, as if he hadn’t used it a while” I looked up, backing away somehow to keep some distance.

He was a skeleton, his bones were porcelain white, his left eye glowing a neon red. I took some time to look at him, study him.

He had no right eye as it seemed to be blocked by a white glitch block, the jacket that covered him was an empty white, while a torn red scarf hung from his neck bone. Around his waist were basketball shorts, and his feet were covered by white house slippers.

Little drops of red appeared on his skull as he looked away from my stare. I tore my eyes away from him, and looked down at my fingers, the pain of them disappearing.

Then the aura around me seemed to vanish, as my body was carefully placed on the ground.

I looked at him when i Finally realized there was a huge gash that's all around his ribs, it seemed like it would hurt, but he seemed not to even care about it.

I then notice that some blood dripped from between his teeth, but he wiped it away hurriedly before smiling at me

“Faker, you’re scared” I said before getting close to him before he backed away”I’m not going to hurt you, I promise” I held my pinky out, he got close until he was right in front of me. He locked the pinky promise.

“Who are you?, and where have I landed?”

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