Afternoon shift 1.

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Wednesday 4:30.  July 2018

The cafe was almost empty, a typical day here which is why I liked it so much. It was quiet I had plenty of breaks to read. The customers were always polite and didn't really talk much. This was a safe space for most. Including myself, I didn't have to worry about school or my family. It was just me and the coffee machine.

I was about halfway through canto x11 in the inferno when I looked up. Hearing the small bell on the front door chime. Setting my book aside I fixed my little yellow apron. They were the same awful yellow color as the tiles on the floor. It was kind of sweet that they kept the vintage feel. with the yellow and blue tiles and accents all around the room.

Making my way around the counter I watched as the man took a seat at one of the tables in the back. I'd seen him here before, quite a few times he always had this little beaten up leather bound journal with him. Every time I saw it I wondered what he'd write. I'd heard from Sarah he was a musician. That he was mostly a pop artist. That was never really my go to genre of music. But he definitely had the look for it.

Taking a deep breath before walking  over. He had an intimidating feel about him. Only making this all the more nerve wracking for me. Biting the inside of my cheek. Pulling the small notepad out of my apron as I got close enough to the table to get a good look at him. He was beautiful, even with the slight bags under his eyes and his puffy cheeks. I knew that look all too well, he'd been crying. The mosey part of me wanted to figure out why. He'd always seemed so happy and sweet when he came in.

Pushing my thoughts aside when I realized I'd been standing there like an idiot. Forcing my lips to move and not say anything out of turn. "Hello I'm violet I'll be your waitress today. Could I get you a coffee while you look over the menu?" I said softly. Looking up from my notepad to see him looking up at me. His curls were pushed back off of his forehead. The slight red around his head making his green eyes seem so much brighter. My breath caught in my throat slightly, looking away as I tapped my pen on my pad.

I knew I seemed impolite but keeping eye contact with men wasn't my strong suit. He must have picked up on my nerves  as he spoke. "I'm not entirely great at eye contact either"
It took me a moment to register that it was his voice. It was so deep and rough a complete contract to how soft and vulnerable he looked. Deciding to respond before Looked like an idiot again. "I'm just new here it's my last day of my first week" I said and let out a deep breath. Hoping I was doing well at this whole small talk thing.

He nodded and stayed quiet for a moment. Almost like he was searching for the words. "Yeah I've never seen you here before" he said a bit harshly. Chewing on the inside of my cheek. Opening my mouth to speak and apologize before he spoke again. "Sorry I'm just not used to change. I'm usually served by Sarah. She knows my order so I don't really have to socialize" when he spoke his voice was low, he spoke slowly like every word was the most important thing he could say. Now that I could pay attention I'd heard a slight accent. Pushing the mosey girl in the back of my mind away, When she ran forward to ask where he was from.

I doubted prying would help make this situation any better. "Oh um, I'm sorry? I took her shift she hadn't been feeling well" I said softly. Not entirely sure why but I felt the need to explain myself. Like a child being scolded by her father. He rested his chin on his hand as he watched me stumble over an explanation. "That's fine, I'd like a black coffee and the Runyon with cheddar and sour cream" he said handing me the small menu sat in front of him.

His eyes traveling up to mine as I took it from him. Tucking it under my arm as I wrote everything down. I felt extremely small with his eyes on me, he seemed to either enjoy making me nervous or he was annoyed by it. There was a look in his eyes I couldn't quite read. Turning away before I made a fool of myself any further. Walking over to place the note of his order on the board for the cooks.

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