nudes 💦💦🍆🍆🍆

50 1 4

Scroll down and you'll get a sexy surprise 😙😏😉

Keep scrolling bitch

Keep scrolling 💦

So now that you are here,am I type only one who doesn't like Churlie dmeeileeo? like I don't understand why shes so famous,which is how I feel with everyone on straight tiktok honestly,like they don't really have talent. All they do is post dances that aren't really dances,oh wait their all white and rich now I understand. I'm probably gonna lose some followers from this and get some people telling me that I'm jealous.Well of course I'm jealous. I would love to not get bullied because I'm queer,I would love to not be told to go back to country by white people when my great grandma was half native American,and their ancestors were immigrants too. People are also probably gonna tell me that I'm racists against white people and heterophobic and I don't care. Before I get yelled at I am not calling Charlie homophobic,so please don't say I am.
No one's gonna read this anyway,wow I really am a jealous bitch,oh well I'll just go fuck myself.

Bye I know I am bitch

One more thing,if you want to bully me and say that I'm jealous of her fame go right ahead even though it's not true

I'm bored so why notTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang