Chapter 50

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"What happened? I told you to keep watch! Where are Chaeyoung's mom and sister? I thought the kid was not allowed to be discharged yet?" Chen exclaimed.

"Things happened so fast. The doctor suddenly issued a release order. Her sister was discharged today." The head of their security team reported

Chen sighed; the hospital's security was so tight, even patient's details were not easily disclosed. They can't penetrate well enough. If only his young Master will ask help from Head Master Jeon, everything would be easier.

Chen's mobile phone rang.

"Sir, they arrived at their apartment right now." The head assigned to keep watch on Chaeyoung's family house reported.

"Alright, make sure to secure the area and follow them wherever they go. Don't you ever dare lose them from your sight!" Chen instructed irritatingly.

This was the first time he had to arrange something like this for the CEO and his head was almost swirling for the past six days now.


At the island...

Chaeyoung found Jungkook drinking at the barn.

'That's so early to get drunk.' She thought inwardly.

She was about to walk towards him but she suddenly stopped when she heard Jungkook's voice. He was talking.

'Wait. No one is there except him? Is he talking to the horse now?' Chaeyoung asked herself as she hid from the corner and listened to Jungkook more out of curiosity.

"Lucky you huh? You have a nice and good looking owner. I bet you are rejoicing to have me." Jungkook said laughing then drink the beer directly from the bottle.

"Do you think I still need more power huh? Like what grandpa wanted? He said powerful people rules." Jungkook continued.

"Do you still think I lack something? What else do you think I lack of? I bet almost none right?" Jungkook laughed once more as he caressed the horse's back.

"So tell me why was Chaeyoung hesitating to be with me? Does she think I am incapable to protect her and her family? Or maybe she doesn't like me as much as I like her. Nope, I love her already. Maybe she doesn't love me yet? So answer me. What is it really?" Jungkook asked continuously like a helpless child.

'What's going on? Why would he talk to a horse instead of me?' Chaeyoung thought inwardly.

The horse growled and she heard Jungkook chuckled.

"What? Are you complaining now that it's you I'm asking instead of her? It's because I am a coward at times like this. I am afraid to hear her answer." Jungkook said in a serious tone.

Chaeyoung saw a lizard crawling near her and suddenly screamed.


She quickly ran towards Jungkook and embraced him tightly.

"There's a lizard. There's a lizard." She said panting.

Chaeyoung hated it the most. She was trembling whenever she saw reptiles, most especially the lizards.

"Shhh it's gone already. Why are you here? How long have you been here?" Jungkook asked with a creased forehead while staring at her.

'Did she hear me?' He thought inwardly as he hoped that she didn't hear him because that was embarrassing. Talking to a horse like a crazy person.

Chaeyoung who was still clinging to him answered, "I just got here. Jin said you are here."

She acted like she never heard a thing. She gently touched and caressed Jungkook's cheek.

'If only we met at the right time. I will definitely not let you go even if you don't like me. I will be the one to woo you repeatedly until you like me.' How she wanted to voice it out to him but instead she just gave him a loving smile and with her teary eyes she leaned forward to kiss his lips passionately.

If only she could express her feelings just with a kiss then that kiss told it all.

It was gentle, full of love kiss as if she was kissing a fragile lip and was afraid for it to get hurt.

Then she released him and hugged him tightly, "If I ended up leaving you. Make sure to hate me and never forgive me. That way you could forget me easily."

She felt Jungkook tightened his embrace that she almost can't breathe.

"Don't ever say those words again and don't disappear at my sight because if you do, I will definitely hate you and punish you! Wherever you go, I will hunt you down no matter how long it would take! And be ready to face my wrath Park Chaeyoung! I warn you!" Jungkook exclaimed with a firmed, threatening and strong voice.

Chaeyoung sighed and murmured, "You can do anything you want with me if that happens."

Thanks for reading!

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