Chapter 42

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After the heart wrecking movie, they watched another one with a horror genre.

Chaeyoung was too loud and joggled Jungkook's arm from time to time either smacked his shoulder whenever she was startled. Jungkook even commented that getting physical was no longer an act but her natural thing.

The night went smoothly like the other night, with them just peck kissing and cuddling of each other.

Jungkook was really a very understanding man like Butler Omni said and Chaeyoung admired him more because of that.

However, the more reasonable he was the more guilt was building in her insides. And because she no longer knew what to do, she decided to just go with the flow and follow what her heart tells her for now.

"Que sera sera" was plastered all over her face before she closed her eyes to sleep.


The next day, Chaeyoung described Lina's face. She felt like being in an investigation the same in movies, where she was describing Lina's every face features while the man in front of her was sketching it.

According to Jungkook, Lina's angle in the CCTV was either on the side or back view so her face was not visible at all.

"Madam, can we have your mobile phone. We will just check it since you said before that the phone also came from Lina so at most there's a possibility of wire tapping and a location locator." said by the man.

Chaeyoung complied when she felt Jungkook's hand on her shoulder although she was feeling hesitant.

After the sketch was finalized, Jungkook's men already moved out to their task and she heard the helicopter from the upper floor, the top part of the mansion which was a helipad.

Chaeyoung was still in a deep thought when Jungkook held her hand and said, "Let's go."

She creased her forehead and said, "Where are we going?"

"I will tour you around the island", Jungkook answered with a wink.

Chaeyoung saw Butler Omni along the way so she pulled his arm and said, "Come here Butler Omni and join us with the tour."

Butler Omni looked at Jungkook who was signaling him to leave them alone. "I think I will have to pass for now. You know I'm not comfortable being a third wheeler. Just enjoy and have fun." Butler Omni said laughing.

Chaeyoung no longer insisted when Jungkook commented, "Let the old man rest for a bit."

Jungkook quickly pulled Chaeyoung out of the place. It's better not to take Butler Omni because he will definitely drop those comparative lines of his just to terrorize him once more.

'No wonder all his dates before were a failure.' Jungkook thought inwardly as he shook his head. He believed that too much punch lines on girls can probably be annoying at times or kill the mood at most.

He already told him things like that but Butler Omni will always answer him like, "Why do I have to change myself. That was who I am. Take it or leave it. It doesn't matter. Maybe it was just my destiny to be single forever."

Then he smiled, he was still not losing hope. He wanted to see his second father to get a better half who will be his companion for the rest of his life.

"Hey why are you smiling alone? That's creepy!" Chaeyoung asked in a jest.

"Nothing, I just suddenly thought to arrange a blind date for Butler Omni once everything was settled." Jungkook answered with an excited tone.

"Well, Butler Omni does still have that charm on his age so it was not a bad idea. Besides, men don't expire easily like woman do." Chaeyoung commented.

During the drive the two talked mostly about Butler Omni and the funny things that happened before during his dates.

"The last date he had been was at a fine dine restaurant where they ordered stake. His date chose a well done while his was always rare. Then he asked his date why she preferred a well done steak. Can you guess the line he dropped next upon hearing his date's answer?" Jungkook asked her who was obviously amused while narrating.

Chaeyoung just pursed her lips and said, "Stop the suspense and just tell me."

"He said, - Oh just like in love, most started raw, eventually will be cooked well then it will taste better. Next time I should also try the well done steak.-"

"That's fine with me. It doesn't turn me off but if he will do a lot of those lines during a date. I would probably be pissed off." Chaeyoung commented with a curved lip.

Then she added laughing, "You sure well updated about everything."

"Of course I am because I am the most frustrated person to link him for a partner. I just feel so sad that all his life was spent in just serving our family. I wanted him to have his own family also." Jungkook said with a concerned face.

Chaeyoung stared at Jungkook with full of adoration once more and then sighed deeply.

'He sure was a good and very concerned with his loved ones.' She thought at the back of her head while staring lovingly at Jungkook who kept on talking.

Meanwhile, at the Mansion, Butler Omni kept on coughing and hurriedly got some water.

"Why do I feel like someone was talking endlessly behind my back?" he hissed as he drank the glass of water.

Thanks for reading!

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