"mhmmmm" was all Bright said




"Congratulations, Gulf, I can't believe this, so rare" Tay said looking at the report

"I don't follow you, Doc" Gulf was as puzzled as Team

"You are pregnant, no one gets pregnant after one night, it's rare because you guys are soulmates and it happened, let's do the sonography" Tay said taking Gulf to the bed

"yep, there you are beanie...........hmmmm, you have a friend, cutie, beanie two" Tay was in his own world as he was looking at the monitor

"Tay, what is going on?" Team was getting impatient

"See, here, there are twins", he unmuted the machine as the heartbeats of two babies filled the room but there was another one "whooops, there is beanie three"

"Triplets" Tay concluded

"What?" Gulf couldn't believe this, he barely had the ability to take care of himself and now he had three additional souls to take care of.... He couldn't...

"Gulf are you all right! " Tay was concerned..

"I don't know what to do" Gulf broke down, he couldn't believe he was pregnant. What is he going to tell his family....

"First, let's start with telling Mew, he has the right to know" Tay knew the consequences

"But his scent is no longer comforting, its disgusting" Gulf knew he couldn't tell Mew

"When did it start?"

"Three months ago"

"Your babies are rejecting Mew because of what he did to you, its a defense mechanism, if you get to know each other, there is a possibility that it can be reversed" Tay explained to Gulf that the disgusting feeling that he was getting from Mew was simply his own kids protecting him from any harm.............

"I don't want to tell Mew, Puifai will kill me" Gulf almost joked

"Will you tell him or should I?" Tay threatened Gulf

"Fine, I will, give me time" Gulf finalized

"You are keeping them?" Team questioned, trying to understand Gulf's resolve

"I am, they are my babies, no one will hurt them" Gulf said putting a protective hand around his belly

"Both of your's, your's and Mew's " Tay injected

"Where is he when he is needed?, with his girlfriend" Gulf almost growled at Tay "these are mine, alone, A L O N E"

"Fine, fine, let's go and tell the good news to Champ, Aom and Bright" Team said as they left the hospital

The boys gathered at Gulf's house all sullen and scared at what Gulf had in store for them.They had just left the hospital and called upon the boys

"Team, stop the suspense and tell me what is going on" Champ couldn't hold himself

"Gulf is actually...... I am sorry, our friend is no longer alone..."

"Did the bug take over his brain" Aom started, his friends laughed at his stupidity

"Gulf is ........" Team started again

"I am pregnant..." Gulf said as he looked on the floor and there was utter silence

"We are going to be uncles" the boys roared in happiness

"I am going to name him Sunshine"

"No, Moon is better"

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