Pillow fight

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~Lev's POV~

  A pillow fight has started. This means war. Right now Morisuke we're hiding under his bed since we agreed to team up (yes I'm calling him by his first name now).
  "Right Morisuke, what are we gonna go? I think you should check the coast first because you're small and fast so you won't get hit as easy as me." I whisper
  He grumbled a bit, "You're lucky I can't hit you down here," he whispered back, "I say we let them beat the shit out of each other, then we team up on whoever's left."
I nod, "Good plan. You're way smarter than me," I whisper and kiss his cheek.
He rolls his eyes, "whatever. Just stay quiet so no one finds us."
  I nod. We lay under the bed, staying quiet. They're all screaming, even Kemma. This is scary.
  Yaku and I hold hands tightly, "If you betray me," Yaku whispered, "I'll marry you to divorce you and take all your spoons so you have to eat cereal with forks wrapped in tape." God he's truly a demon Senpai. I still love him but demon Senpai.
  "Sh. Like you said, quiet." I say using my free hand that isn't holding Morisuke's to my lip. He nodded.
  After a few minutes Kuroo and Kemma are knocked out on the floor. No one caught us yet so we plan on crawling out to get Yamamoto. But we gotta be sneaking. Morisuke was able to crawl out easily but I struggled. Almost getting stuck, but we got out before Yamamoto even noticed us.
  Both Morisuke and I sneak up behind him, pillows in hand, then we both hit Yamamoto. He fell to the ground. Dramatic.
  He proceeds to act out one of those over dramatic death svendes with ketchup packets which I won't describe. Because what you're readied this cliche, but not that cliche. Plus you came here for gay stuff.

Word count: 322

//hope you enjoyed this shit post.

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