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~Yaku's POV~

I bite my lip, looking up at Lev, as he was taller than me and he was in a chair. I was still on the floor.
You could practically cut the tension with a knife. A rusty, dull, butter knife. But Lev slowly raises his free hand and accepts the call. (A/N: yes the meow mix song was playing this entire time).
He slowly raised the phone to his lips and he whispers.
"I like you too Yaku-San." The words echoed form my phone and throughout the quiet room.
I immediately felt my face heat up. I probably match the school colors by now.
Lev looks down at me, getting out of the chair and pushing it aside, he smiles as he sits down by me.
"And now we let sex commence," Kuroo said, god way to ruin the moment.
Lev chuckles, holding his hand out to me. He must like PDA...great.
I do take his hand though, smiling a bit. I guess I'm not his demon Senpai anymore.
  Suddenly the others start to high ten and celebrate something.
  "Plan successful!" Yamamoto yells. What plan?
  I look at Lev, "What plan?" I ask, this time out loud though.
  Lev chuckles nervously, "They found out about my crush and said they had a plan to get us together..." well that explains a lot.
  I huffs, "you're lucky I'm too happy you didn't reject me to be angry," I mumbled.
  Lev chuckles a bit, reaching over and playing with my hair, "you're right. I am lucky. About you not getting upset and that you didn't reject me either."
  I rolled my eyes, but lean into his touch, my head now resting on his arm.
  Soon the uncalled for celebration ends and we get back to normal sleepover things. And I thought what just happened was gonna be the second scariest thing to happen (first being the movie). But then the suggestion from hell came...
A pillow fight.

Word count: 330.

Bonding exercise (Lev x Yaku.)Where stories live. Discover now