Truth or dare

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~Lev's POV again~

  Yaku-San comes back in the room and sets the snacks in the circle, "I got come curry chips. And because grandpa Kuroo prefers fish I brought shrimp chips too."
  'Grandpa' Kuroo rolls his eyes, "We'll see if you think that when we actually get old and I live longer because I had a better diet."
  Kemma snickers, "That was actually the worst comeback I've ever heard."
"Can we play games now?" Yamamoto asks. I don't know I'd this is because he wants the fight to stop, he wants to help with my Yaku problem, is he's just bored.
The others just nod. I don't say anything and wait for them to say whatever game the others suggest. Like they told me to.
"How about truth or dare?" Kemma asked, he was a bit more involved now that his games were taken away and put on a high shelf (which I'm surprised is in Yaku-sans room since he's too short to Reach).
We all come to agreement on truth or dare, since we all had to convince Yaku to say yes.
Now we're spinning the water bottle again. Kemma spun it (because it's his suggestion) so whoever if landed on Kemma would ask.
It landed on Yamamoto. Kemma smiles a bit. "Alright truth or dare?"
  "Dare!" He kinda yelled in reply. "I'm no pussy." 
  "Then eat a spoonful of mustard," Kemma-San said back. He hates mustard so I'm not all that surprised he'd make someone do that.
  "Nergh you would," Yamamoto whined.
  "I'll get the mustard and a spoon," Yaku said getting up. He soon came in with a few spoons and a bottle of mustard, he then sat back down, "Right I have the little bitch spoon"—he held up a small spoon—"the normal spoon"—he held up a average sized spoon—"and the big boy spoon"—he held up a large spoon—"It's your choice."
"Ugh I guess the regular one.." too bad Yamamoto hates mustard too. He takes the spoon and put mustard on it, then ate it. Then threw the spoon at Kemma-San. Who only snickered. (A/N note: sorry about so much about mustard. Back to the ship now.)
  Kuroo spins the bottle next and it lands on Yaku-San. I try and figure out if this is good or bad. "Yaku. Truth or dare?"
  "Dare. Can't be too bad if the last one was just to eat mustard."' Yaku-San replied.
  Kuroo gave me a quick smile before looking back at Yaku. "I dare you to sit in Lev's lap for 10 minutes." Dammit Kuroo. I don't know what I expected though.
  Yaku groans but gets up and walks over to me, "how are we gonna do this Titian?" He asked as he put his hands on his hips.
I shrug, "Should I get a car?"
"Yeah you do that," He stares off to the side, I get up and go to get a chair, which I had to go get from the dining room and drag it back to the bedroom. But I pull it back to my spot, sitting down, "Come sit on Santa's lap."
  Yaku-San rolls his eyes and reluctantly sits down on my legs, "Shut up."
  I think I nailed it.

Word count: 549

//another cliche. Yay.

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