the blanket.

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y/n | come sit down with me.

he let's go.

N | okay..

you lay down the blanket and sit down. he sits next to you.

N | do you actually?

y/n | yes. i told you a thousand times. i love you. if you actually love someone you never stop loving them or you never loved them in the first place.

N | but do you love me?

y/n | of course i love you.

N | can you prove it to me?

y/n | how?

N | kiss me.

y/n | nick no.

N | please y/n.

y/n | nick i cant do that to payton.

N | you did it to me. who knows how many times.

y/n | twice. i'm sorry.

N | please. you are the only girl i've ever loved and if this kiss can mark the end of my love life i'm okay with that.

y/n | no nick. you will find someone. if we were meant to be we would have lasted.

N | i think we could have lasted. we were so in love for a year and a half. then i walked in on you and payton and that was the day my life started to fall apart. day by day i had less and less motivation. now i can barely get out of bed then i see you and payton happy and it so painful. the year and a half we were dating were the best months of my life. i was so happy.

y/n | watch the stars with me nick.

N | what does that have to do with this.

right as you lay down a light flashes on the trees next to you.

man | i think i see something

man 2 | it's a tree.

man | no a little farther.

man 2 | they are long gone by now. why are we looking for them in the middle of the night.

man | because that little bitch cost me a million dollar case.

just then you recognized the voices. it was your father. you guess the other man was an officer.

N | what the hell!

y/n | shh. take the blanket and start crawling as far into the woods as you can.

N | why?

y/n | GO!

he puts the blanket in his shirt and starts crawling into the woods. you follow him. you keep going for a long time. eventually you are in the middle of nowhere.

y/n | alright get up.

N | are you not worn out from that.

y/n | i was trained like a marine.

N | you are literally the ultimate wild card.

y/n | now run! that way.

you start sprinting and you hear footsteps in the distance. you kept running they were getting closer and closer. you saw a river.

y/n | you want to get a break from running.

N | yes.

y/n | trust me.

you jump into this lake.

N | are you crazy?!

you grab his arm and yank him into the water. you put your hand on his head.

y/n | how long can you hold your breath.

N | oh i'm really good at that.

y/n | okay on three go under water and do not come up until i give you the 'okay'.

N | alright?

y/n | 3..2.....1.

you pull his head under water. you stay under water. it's been 30 seconds. you still hear people looking. nick tried to come up. you pull his head back down. it's been 1 minute. you let go of his head. nick gasps for air. you wipe off your face.

y/n | alright. let's go.

N | can i leave the blanket.

y/n | no. it's evidence.

N | it's full of water now. it's like 3x heavier.

y/n | come on.

he picks up the blanket and follows you.

that took a turn for the worst.

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