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he pulls you over to lean on him. you lay back onto his chest and he puts his arms around you. you watch the movie and end up falling asleep. you wake up in the middle of the night and nick is up on his phone.

y/n | why are you still up?

N | oh. i just- no reason.

y/n | weirdo.

you sit up.

N | where are you going.

y/n | to lay with payton.

N | no stay.

y/n | why

you laugh.

N | idk i'll go to sleep i just don't want to be alone.

y/n | you weirdo.

you lay back down and he rests his hands on your stomach and you fall back asleep. you wake up to payton picking you up. you look around confused.

P | good morning baby's.

y/n | morning love,

you give him a kiss.

N | you can't just- you bitch.

P | fuck of nick. get to work.

N | asshole.

payton rolls his eyes and you put your hands on his cheeks.

y/n | helloo

P | hey babes.

y/n | how are you!

he laughs and puts you down.

P | i'm doing great.

he takes your hand and you go back to your room. you see chase walking back to their place. you sit down on your bed. payton sits next to you.

y/n | what were you and nick fighting about?

P | oh nothing.

y/n | tell me.

P | no it's nothing you need to worry about.

y/n | is it about me?

P | come on.

y/n | what are we doing?

P | cleaning out the slides towers.

y/n | ugh can we have one day off.

P | we can if you want.

y/n | no it's okay.

he stops you,

P | we can if you want. i don't want to work you too hard. whatever is best for you.

y/n | i'm okay.

P | okay.

you walk out of your place and chase hands you guys brooms. you and payton work on the racing tower. you listen to music and finish. you all meet back at the main place. nick walks back to his place to get something. you follow him.

P | y/n where are you going??

y/n | i have to ask him something.

P | wait.

y/n | i'll be back.

you run out the door and catch up to nick.

N | oh hey y/n. what are you doing here.

y/n | oh. i have a question.

N | go for it.

y/n | uhh i hear you and payton fighting this morning it sounded serious.

N | oh no it's just a disagreement.

y/n | that sounded like more than a disagreement.

N | nope. that's all.

you look at him. he looks up at you.

N | what?!

y/n | i want you to answer my question.

N | i did.

y/n | honestly.

N | fine he's mad that you slept with me last night.

y/n | really?! that's not like him.

N | well we did have a pretty serious relationship before you guys dated.

y/n | i know but it's over and we are friends now?

nick doesn't say anything.

y/n | right?

N | yeah..

y/n | what?

oh no. nick??

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