Chapter 4

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The steely hoof sharply made contact with the side of her left shin.

Pain flooded her slim frame, robbing her of her senses. Her leg felt like burning. Cries of agony escaped her lips.

She could vaguely hear other people around her.

There was the brief feeling of being lifted. A slightly prickly, dewy surface met her clothed buttocks before she became aware of her surroundings again.

She clutched at her knee as tears streamed down her face.

People gathered around her. She could see their mouths moving but the ringing in her ears made it impossible for her to hear what they were saying.

Before she could do something about it, everything went dark. Looking around, she found she was alone. Still sobbing, she grabbed her leg and screamed for help.

"Help! Anyone, please help!"


Fear crept within her.

Now panicking, she screamed louder, "Help me! Jebal!"

Clip! Clop!

The unmistakable sound of hooves echoed throughout the abyss. Jeongyeon snapped her head towards where the sound came from. From the ground, she saw four long, white limbs of a stallion standing beside her. Her hair stood on end. Shakily, she looked up to the massive white stallion with blood red eyes. The stallion bent its head towards her and snorted on her face. Her short hair was slightly blown off her face and her fear increased tenfold.

She wanted to say something but decided against it as she doubted the beast in front of her would be able to understand what she was saying. Not wanting to startle the stallion, she stayed silent and instead began chanting in her head, Help! Someone... anyone! Jebal!

As if knowing what she was thinking, the blood red eyes that stared through her soul began to narrow. Suddenly, the stallion stood on its hind legs, braying. Jeongyeon screamed this time. With her other hand that wasn't clutching at her leg, she brought her arm towards her to cover her face.

The stallion brought its fore legs down towards her...


"Hajima!" Jeongyeon shot up the bed in alarm, gasping harshly. Her eyes surveyed the dark room, it took her a while to register that she was in her bed. She was panting and sweating profusely as if she had been running for miles. Her hands felt clammy and her sweat caused her hair to stick to her forehead.

A hand came up to rest upon her shoulder and she flinched backwards, moving away from the dark figure standing beside her.

"Jeong, calm down. It's me," In the darkness, she recognized the voice to be Momo's, her roommate. It's been half a year that they've moved into a new dorm but Jeongyeon still considers her as a roommate and has Momo occasionally sleeping next to her.

"M-Momo?" she panted, swallowing the lump in her parched throat.

The Japanese turned on the light on the night stand and Jeongyeon had to close her eyes to avoid the sudden glare of light. Momo gasped slightly at her appearance. Jeongyeon was slick with sweat and once she opened her eyes, Momo saw they were bloodshot.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Momo scrambled to the bathroom and pulled out a towel from the rack. She returned to sit beside Jeongyeon and proceeded to wipe the sweat off her face and exposed arms.

"I-It's nothing, Momo. It's just a dream." Even in a somewhat delicate state, Jeongyeon still manages to reassure her.

"That was one heck of a dream, Jeongyeon. You look horrible!"

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