A Birth and a Death

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The newborn was sleeping in her craddle peacefully now. She looked pale but had the sleek, square jawsbones of her father's and her mother's curls. Her eyes were the same coffee-brown shade Voldemort's eyes had before his transformation, and her eyelids were wide and heavy like Bella's.

"What a pretty thing!" Voldemort whispered under his breath,so as not to wake her up, and kissed Bella's cheek.

Voldemort 's lips send a shiver through Bella's backbone. "Oh, Bella," he whispered in her left ear as he wrapped his hands around her from the back, "she has gotten her mother's good looks".
He gently took her swollen breasts in his hands... drops of colostrum oozed out of them, falling onto the back of Voldemort's hand.

Bella pushed him away, as she heard sudden footfalls nearing Malfoy Manor. They could see Lucius and a few other death eaters rushing into the manor; Bella noticed that they all looked well pleased with themselves. She had given birth to their baby today... while the others were away.

She had managed to keep her pregnancy a secret so far using various spells for concealment. She has hated it though -- that she could not be in the thick of action while the worthless Draco was to help the other death eaters enter Hogwarts. Voldemort kissed her gently, bid her to stay in room and hurried downstairs to meet Lucius.

"Dead, he is dead!" Bella heard Lucius declaring Dumbledore's death in the hallway to her lord, with a tone of relief and pride. "Severus used the killing curse on him after Draco cornered him single-handedly, my Lord. "

"This is great news indeed, Lucius.I am pleased," Voldemort remarked with an edge of surprise in his voice.

Dumbledore dead, Bella wondered, on the day her baby was born. Good riddance, surely. She smiled to herself, and looked down at her child fondly.

Bellamort: an eroticaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant