Happily Ever After

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The wedding bells rings, flowers are everywhere. Music was playing, and there was a placed for a wedding. Who's wedding you wonder, well who else.

Randy was in his room, preparing his last minute wedding clothes. His mother insisted that he should wear a wedding dress, but after a few suggestions he wore a white suit with a red rose in his purple hair. His blue eyes were sparkling as his friends, Theresa and Debbie came to help him out.

"Randy! You looked stunning!" Theresa said happily. Debbie nod.

"Thanks, guys. I'm scared right now..." Randy said. Debbie laughed.

"You're just nervous, Randy. Relax. Look in the mirror, and you'll be fine." Randy looked at the mirror and smiled. He still can't believe that Nomi proposed to him on his 20th birthday.


"Randy, there's something I need to ask you." Nomi said as they were in the park where they celebrate Randy's 20th birthday. Family's and friends were there too.

"Sure, what's up?" Randy asked with a smile. Nomi kneeled down with one leg, pulling out a small red box and sighed.

"Randy, we've known each other for a while now. I'm wondering..." He opens the small box and Randy was in tears.

"Will you marry me?" There was a white jewel ring. Randy was smiling with tears falling down from his eyes. Nomi was a bit worried.


"Yes, yes a thousand yes I'll marry you!" Randy said as he hugged Nomi with love. His mother sighed as she looks at her son's happiness. She sighed as she gets closer to them.

"Nomi, are you sure you wanted to marry Randy?" She asked. Nomi nod.

"You know I don't really like people like that because of my past, but hey, is you truly love him, you have my permission." She said. Nomi nod thank you and Randy hugged her for her acceptance.

Flashback end.

"Why am I so nervous?" Nomi asked himself as he fixed his tie. He wears a black suit with a red rose in his pocket. He looked very smart too.

Soon enough, the wedding started. Nomi looked at the door and was in awed. Randy came and he looked stunning. They say their vows and officially together.

Years later...

Randy looked at his family album. How much memories he did with his family and friends. His son, Akai came with his adorable smile.

"Ma! Where's da?" The child asked. Randy smiled and picked him up.

"Let's go to the living room, maybe he's there." They both went to the living room and saw Nomi meditating. Akai tried to sneak towards him and tried to scare him but-

"Akai, do you want to get attacked by me again?" Nomi asked, still with his eyes closed. Akai stiffened his posture and laughed awkwardly.

"Noo.....?" He said. Randy giggled as he gave Nomi a kiss on the cheek. Nomi smiled.

"Hey ma, da, how did you guys get together?" Akai asked. Randy and Nomi were surprised.

"What. Why do you want to know?" Nomi asked as he placed Randy on his lap.

"I'm curious."

Looks like they have to repeat the story once more.

The End

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