Getting to Know

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Randy is pacing back and forth just to release his mind, he has two crushes! Is it normal? He doesn't know what to do, either stay away from it or figuring something out.

"Ugh, I don't know, Howard! What should I do?!" Randy asked his bro. Howard shrug.

"I dunno, Cunningham. I have no experience with this. Try figuring out yourself." Randy pouted cutely. He didn't notice that Nomi was looking at him, adoring him from afar.

"Why does he has to be that adorable? It's too much, cuteness (?) Is that the right word? I guess. But he needs to figure it out before he gets mind wipe. Or else, I won't be able to see him again, or get to be with him..." Nomi thought. He walks away with a sigh until he bumps into someone.

"Sorry, didn't mean to." Nomi said, being gentle. In front of him was a boy with long brown hair, brown eyes and small mouth. He was wearing a green hoodie and black pants with green converse. His hair is tied to keep it near. Nomi thought it's a good look.

"It's okay, buddy. The names Steven Charles. You must be the new kid. What's your name?" Steven asked.

"Nomi Norisu. Pleasure." Nomi said. Steven nod.

"Well, you need someone to show you around. I can't help for now, maybe you can go to the principal's office and gets some help there?" He suggested. Nomi thanked him and saw the office moments later.

"Ah, Nomi. It's nice to see you. I'll send you your guide." The principal called a student and they waited. Who is the student, Nomi wondered.

With Randy.

"Attention, Randy. The principal is calling for you." Randy went shock. Why does the principal is calling him?

"Thanks, Mrs. Kobayashi." He left towards the office. Did something happened at home? Is it his records? But he's been doing well on his studies. Maybe something important? He walked inside and accidently got tripped over and fell on Nomi. Nomi caught him and they stood there, while the principal is still watching them.

"I ship it." The principal said inside his head. Randy blushed hard before he stood up and stuttered.

"U-um. What's the problem sir?" Randy asked, trying to avoid Nomi's constant stare. Why does he looked too hot?!

"You'll be Nomi's guide. You'll show him around the school. About your classes, you can skip. Just for today. That's all. Oh also, Nomi. Here's your timetable." The principal said as he gave Nomi the schedule. They were about to leave when the principal shouted.

"Don't kiss in public or make out, alright!" Randy blushed madly while Nomi blushed lightly.

"That was awkward... So, should we start our tour?" He asked. Randy nod.

"Of course! Follow me." They walked around the school until recess. Not gonna lie, it was tired some. They walked towards the cafeteria and Nomi managed to get an apple to eat. He doesn't want to eat the food there. It looks, weird. Randy got his favorite gravy fries to eat.

"Cunningham, there you are!" Howard rushed to him. Nomi isn't very keen to that guy, but he respect anyway.

"Hey, Howard. Meet Nomi." Randy introduce. Howard smirked.

"I know I know, your boyfriend yeah yeah." He teased. Nomi blushed lightly, didn't mind it actually. But Randy, let's just say that his face won't be any redder than a brick.

"Uh?! He's not my boyfriend, HOWARD!" Randy yelled at him, but not too loud until the whole cafeteria heard it.

"Yet." Nomi thought. 

"Anyways, how about we go to our group?" Howard asked. Randy thought a bit, while Nomi tries his best to not get angry by the thought of Randy ditching him just for his friends. But he needs to wait for the answer.

"Sorry, Howard. Maybe next time. I still need to show Nomi around the school." Randy answered. Howard understood and Nomi just being happy in the inside.

"That's cool, bro. Recess is almost done so.... I'M TAKING YOUR FRIES! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Howard took the fries and left. Randy went mad.

"My snack!" He acted crying. Nomi split his apple in half and gave the other half for Randy. Randy took it, blushing as he took a bite. He continued to show Nomi around till the rooftop.

"This is my favorite spot besides the sakura tree behind the school. It's peaceful up here." Randy smiled. Nomi nodded, it is peaceful. There's about 5 minutes before the bell rings to end the school day, so they relaxed at the rooftop and chatted at each other, getting to know more about one of the other. Nomi smiled cause he gets to spend time with Randy.

But his thought then went backtracked. What if Randy didn't like him? What if he wasn't interested in him? Nomi sighed as the bell rang. They walked downstairs and towards the school gates.

"It's been fun today, Randy. Hope you'll have a safe trip to home." Nomi said. Randy blushed a bit.

"Y-yeah. You too. See ya, Nomi." They separated. Nomi waited until Randy had arrived at his home before he went bck into the Nomicon while the other boy wasn't looking. Randy went inside the Nomicon being all cute as always.

"Nomicon, there's a new student at my school. It was bruce!" he said happily. Nomi nod.

"Go to bed, Randy. And do your homework." Nomicon said. First was having some green tea. Randy pouted.

"Fine. Goodnight, Nomicon, First." Randy said.

"Just use my name, Rei." First (Rei) said. The young ninja nod.

"Okay then, Rei Nii-San." He joked before went to his home, leaving Rei confused.

"What just happen?" Nomicon shrugged at the question but his inside said something else.

"WHY WON'T HE CALL ME SENSEI OR SENPAI?!" He cried. He checks on the young ninja that was fast asleep. He kissed the top of Randy's forehead with a small and unnoticeable smile.

"Sleep tight, Randy. Love you." 

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