~1)~ Potions class

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Harry was walking to the first period which was unfortunately for him, potions. His bag hung from his right arm and dangled carelessly. Ever since the first task, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's house understood Harry didn't put his name in the goblet the day before Halloween and apologized. He and Ron, his best male friend started talking as if nothing happened.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked past Draco and his coon of Slytherin friends. Draco Malfoy was about to open his mouth and insult harry but thought better of it when professor moody came into view. Ever since professor moody turned Draco into a ferret, he became scared of insulting potter in front of mad-eye.

"I'm just saying, the house-elves deserve freedom! It's not fair that they cook, clean and all sorts of household chores and they don't get paid or a break. That's not right!"

"Hermione! Enough with the S.P.E.W already! It's starting to drive me and harry up the wall!" Ron had yet again called it S.P.E.W. Hermione glared but did not speak as they reach the door to the potions classroom.

They entered and sat down in the usual seats. They waited until everyone including the potions master had arrived at the classroom.

"Today we will be studying a type of love potion. It's called Amortentia, be careful what you say to someone as it smells of the person your most attracted too and it's the most powerful love potion. Here I have made an example of the love potions." Snape's voice rang through the large classroom, it sounded similar to yelling which he did a lot.

"Can anyone give me an example of what they smell?" Normally Hermione would shot her hand into the air but kept it down this time turning a light pink.

Draco Malfoy, one day of professor snape's favorite students had raised his hand into the air with a smug look on his face. "Professor, I smell broom polish, Warm fires and... 'PoTtAh's stupid cologne is feeling my senses. Good, I love his smell.' And cinnamon rolls."

Harry rolled his eyes and whispered to Ron as quietly as he could. "Draco's probably got a crush on some Slytherin girl like Parkinson."

"Potter, if you'd like to share your conversation with the class please do so. If not, QUIET! 5 points from Gryffindor!" Snape had roared in Harry's ears.

"Anyway, ill be giving you all partners. Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy. Mr. Potter and Miss Parkinson. Miss Granger and Mr. Zabini. Mr. Neville and Mr. Baddock. Miss Branstone and Miss McDonald." And snape went on until everyone had their partner.

"Start your potion." Harry read the ingredients out loud and pansy collected them.

"It says here we need to mash troll fingers with the unicorn hairs and Hippogriff feathers." Harry read aloud to the Parkinson girl sitting beside him.

"Potter, I swear, if we fail this potion because of you, I'll have my parents get you sent away. I suggest you do the same thing, oh, oops! I forgot! You don't have any, there dead!" Parkinson's voice and words rang in Harry's head as he used all his strength to not hit the bitch that had just insulted his parents no matter how stronger the urge was.

Harry sighed and continued explaining how to make the potion as Pansy followed his words.

"Oi! Saint pottah! You failing the potion?! You better not get Pansy in trouble just cause your a disappointment!" Malfoy's cruel voice hit Harry like a hot-bladed knife.

"Malfoy! How about you learn to shut your mouth before  I kick it in you filthy git!" Ron had gone from ignoring Malfoy to about to murder his ass in about 0.017 seconds.

They started fighting with one another while throwing harsh comments and insults at each other and their friends. Hermione had rushed over in a desperate attempt to restrain Ron from attacking the constellation standing before that was also being restrained by one of his friends.

Harry was trying to get them both to stop fighting before they ripped each other limb from limb. Pansy was also having an attempt at stopping both boys.

"Both of you! Stop! Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy! Ron, Hermione, and Harry! You'll be spending your afternoon in detention with me today! And Draco, Blaise and Pansy! You'll be apart due to your never-ending fighting!" They were all taken aback, Mr. Snape had never given Draco or any of his friend's detention.

The rest of the lesson was cleaning up the mess the golden and bronze trio had created while the rest of the class presented the potion. Less than half the class had made the potion correctly while the rest had failed miserably.

After the lesson, snape had told the six 14-year-olds that they'll be on their own for 6 hours. Their detention started at five and ended around 11 pm.

To Malfoy, this was a dream come true. He had had a huge crush in Saint pottah since the end of his first year but had never dared himself to tell Harry anything about this silly high school crush.

"Looks like we're in trouble because of Malfoy, but that's nothing new. I suppose we should go to dinner so that way we'll have a full stomach." Ron suggested. Hermione agreed and they left the potions classroom.

They walked up and out of the dungeons towards the great hall. They walked through the doors and Harry immediately noticed Malfoy standing alone in a shadowy corner away from the Slytherin table and everybody else.

He shrugged and sat down next to Hermione and Neville. Ron started stuffing his face with chicken and mash potatoes. Harry munched on some juicy baked carrots and drank pumpkin juice.

"Wonder what we're gonna do during this torture with Malfoy and his friends. Maybe we'll be going back into the forbidden Forest. Last time, Malfoy seemed like he was about to cry!" Harry had gone on to explain to Ron what he was talking about cause the last time he and mione' had had detention with Malfoy was back during his first year in the forbidden Forest (FF).

Ron nearly choked on his food from whizzing at the thought of Malfoy frozen solid, feeling mortified. He smiled to himself and then continued eating all sorts of food. Harry had dazed off staring at Malfoy curiously.

"Oi! Harry! You gonna eat that?" Ron had caught his attention and looked confusedly at his mate. Ron pointed to the three chicken legs lifelessly sitting on his plate.

"No, you can have it. I'm gonna change for the miserable 6-hour detention. See ya guys later." Harry had gotten up and walked out of the great hall, up towards the Gryffindor common room, and into his dorm room where he slept with Dean, Seamus,  Neville, and Ron.

He changed fairly quickly and when he was finished, it was already 4:37. Ron came up and changed to and by that point, it was 4:45.

They went down the spiral staircase and met Hermione waiting by the entrance/exit. They walked over to her and started walking towards the dungeons. The walk was quiet and awkward in a similar way.

They walked to the potions classroom and entered only to find they were alone. They sat and waited for the other three they're be wasting six hours with.

"Was that good? I dunno either so 🤔 hi! And bye!"

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