the yule ball (part of it at least i think?)

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It was the day of the yule ball and harry felt nervous, he didn't know how to dance. He asked Hermione, blaise, Ron and professor moody how to dance. Fluer tried her best to help him as well since he had saved her little sister, Gabrielle. It was no use, he always stepped on their feet or tripped or fall flat on his face. Likely it never left any marks.

Draco felt just a tiny bit nervous, but other then that, totally ready to dance with harry. Harry's friends had already warned him that harry was a terrible dancer which made Draco laugh. Like only about a month ago, the were dancing around and singing. Tho harry did step on Draco's feet multiple times. Draco was changing into his suit think in about dancing with harry and laughing and smiling and just having a great time with each other.

Draco changed into his suit and walked down the hall to were the ball was being held at. Draco was suddenly dragged into a classroom by pansy. "Draco! Giant emergency! Ginny is gonna put a love potion on harry!" Draco nodded with every word she said.

I started walking down the halls of hogwarts looking for the bitch, ginny. I wanted her dead and I was gonna kill her myself even if everyone hated me in the end.

~Ginny's POV~

I was gonna use a love potion to get harry to finally love me! But pansy had heard me planning and ran to tell Draco I bet. Maybe I could kill the ass and make it look like an accident? As I was changing into my outfit, hermione burst in and started yelling at me to leave Draco and harry alone. I rolled my eyes and continued getting dressed. Hermione finally left slamming the door.

I was wearing a bright pink crop top, and a rather short skirt that was partly see-through at the bottom of the skirt. My stomach and a small part of my chest were visible. My high heels were a hot pink and and reached my knees. My hair was in two braids that went down to my waist since my hair was very long.

I walked down the griffendor common room and down to the yule ball. Harry was going to love me and Draco was gonna suffer with a broken heart. I just needed a new plan.

~draco's POV~
~right before the yule ball begins~

Harry was so beautiful, I turned red when he walked into the room. He was wearing a dark blue dress with white gems on the upper part of it. He wore no shoes cause we agreed the if he had worn high heels, I would have a few broken toes cause he couldnt dance at all. He hat a small green, gray, white and dark blue tiara that nicely rapped round his head.

As harry entered, I notice Cedric look at him with lust filled eyes. I wanted to hex him, but then I ruined the yule ball or as muggles called it, pRoM.

Harry walked up to me and gave me I light peck on my pale, almost white skin. I could've, ripped his cloths off right and they're and fucked him in front of everyone-

Draco stopped talking as he was suddenly stopped by two little monkeys who wouldn't go goodnight.

"Ewwwwww dad, thats disgusting. Were only eleven and your already talking about sex infront of us. Nasty man you are!" Both Jada malfoy and Qyari malfoy said in unison. They all soon broke out into a fit of giggles.

"Girls, I'm telling the story how me and mum got together and created you little, lovable 11 year old bastards-" "owww harryyyyyy that was mean"

"Draco, you called them bastards, its hard enough taking care of four kids while one is being a bloody bitch."
Harry complained.

"What we only have three kids- I'm nOt A fUcKiNg KiD pOtTaH!" Draco was now being an idiotic little bitch cause he just been roasted by his husband of 12 years. The got marries when they were eighteen and had two twin shitheads at the age of 19, draco didnt use protection since he thought men couldn't get pregnant.

Don't ask how he gave Birth to them, its a long story and NO he didnt shit them out or piss so hard he became light headed. He had a sea-section. I spelled that write, I am on a roll!

"Thats it for tonight girls, you need rest since tomorrows your trust day at Hogwarts so say good night to childish dad and little baby brother."

"Night, night bubby, Have a sweet dream and dont let the fucking ugly boggy man get to you, sandman should give you good dreams" (sorry, I'm watching rise of the guardians on my dads TV while I write this.(T-T) OK I'm gonna continue)

"And Qyari, don't read your book till you fall asleep AGAIN. Anyway Ronnie will be here tomorrow with teddy and auntie tonks and uncle Remus lupin. So goodnight girls"

Harry potter and Draco malfoy left the twin sisters bedroom with 2 year old brother, alver in harrys arms. Jada and Qyari soon fell asleep to the sound of their pet snake eating a dead rat that they had feed it hours ago. Little did the girls know the adventure that was waiting for them...

OK guys let me explain what's going on, they're telling the story to there kids. Jada (A.K.A me), Qyari (my great friend here on wattpad. They have a little brother named alver me and my friend decided it would be a good idea that we would make a great plot turner (I sat here trying to spell the other word for 6 minutes and 48 seconds I fucking gave up).im gonna write a book about there adventure. If you like I could do the rest of the book, I just might not cause I'm kinda losing inspiration for this lovely and cringy ass fucking book. I mean the plot was good, just written really bad and no I'll never rewrite this cause I'm too fucking lazy too.

OK bye peeps and geeks

Zip! Zap! Zing! Bam! Boom! Blip! Jada out!

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