two confessions

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"w-well, wanna hang out then?" Draco was scared he was gonna be rejected like he was by harry in their Frist year. Harry looked surprised and replied.

"S-sure I'd love to hang out with you dra- Malfoy" showing his goofy smile that Draco utterly loved. "Well where should we go? You know, to hangout" "oh, uh the room or requirements?" "Sure let's go"harry finished and grabbed Draco's hand dragging him towards the ROR.

They got there and harry imagined a room were Draco and him could hangout, suddenly a door appeared and they entered. Inside was two chairs and and a sofa, behind the small sofa was a queen sized bed and on the right side of the room was a fire place and the left and thew book shelves. In then middle of the room was lots of room witch looked pick they could use finance or something else.

"Looks... Homie, so what do you wanna do now pottah" he asked harry. "Umm I dunno but maybe listen to some music from my phone?" "Da fucks a phone harry???" "Oh yeah it's a muggle device muggles use to contact, listen to music or post photos on social media an that's how you show people your photos" harry had finished and looked at Draco seeing him Dumb founded, harry couldnt help but chuckle at Draco's face and got his phone from his pocket and started singing the song. "Oh and Draco, there's a bit a of Spanish in this song"

I'm sorry but
Don't wanna talk, I need a moment before I go
It's nothing personal
I draw the blinds
They don't need to see me cry
Cause even they understand
They don't understand
So then when I'm finished
I'm all bout my business and ready to save the world
I'm taking my misery
Making my bitch
Can't be everyone's favourite girl
So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody can keep me safe
And I'm on my way
The blood Moon is on the rise
Of fire burning in my eyes
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way

Draco was so confused but remembered hearing this song when he went to Spain about 6 years ago when he was nine and since he knew Spanish he started singing with harry.

(Just pretend the Spanish is here and the lyrics are up the top)

Harry and Draco were dancing and singing in sync with each other.

So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way
The blood moon is on they rise
Of fire burning in my eyes
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way

Everybody, everybody keep me safe
Everybody, everybody keep me safe
Everybody, everybody keep me safe
Everybody, everybody keep me safe

So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And Im On my
The blood moon is rise
Of fire burning in my eyes
No,nobody can keep me safe
And I'm on my way

Draco and harry had finished dancing and were looking in to each other's eyes. Draco staring into harry bright emerald green eyes, he could feel himself getting heated. Harry was starting into Draco plain very eyes filled with great passion and... Love?

Draco leaned into the shorter boy in front of him and kissed him, harry was snooker and slowly started kissing back as he melted into the kiss. Draco tapped Harry's bottom lip meaning he wanted entrance. Harry opened his mouth and instantly cost a warm tonge in his mouth. The two started tonge wrestling and Draco won. They pulled away gasping for air.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry harry! Gah! You probably hate me even more! If it was possible!" Draco was screaming while pacing back and forth trying extremely hard to clam down frustrated by the fact he kissed his four year crush without consent from him. Harry grabbed his arm "Draco, clam down. It's alright I... I liked the kiss draco, like I like you...". Harry shyly smiled looking away trying to hide his face so Draco couldn't see his blush and embarrassment. Draco cupped harry face, " I... I... *Sighs* I like you too pot- harry..." Draco pulled him into a tight hug. Harry started chuckling into Draco's shirt. "Took us long enough, hasn't it Draco" "heheh, it has, hasn't it harry"

"Harry?" Draco calmly asked harry. "Yes Draco?" Harry was interested for what Draco had to say. "What's your life back at him like? I'm assuming it's wealthy and you get treated like a king at your home." Harry looked at Draco sadly and sighed "my aunt, uncle and cousin have been abusing me since I was five and give me a full list of chores and don't feed me for a week if I do one wrong it's also the reason way I'm so short and small, they also made me live in a cupboard until I turned 11 and got my Hogwarts letter as they tried to expell away the magic inside me." Draco could feel his skin boiling with anger and harry knew it. "Draco, it's not a big deal. I'm fine, I'm still here and I'm here with you Draco. So please, calm down... For me?" Harry stared to cried into Draco's shirt remembering all the bad things his uncle Vernon, aunt petunia and cousin Dudley did to him all these years. Draco was pissed but knew he had to calm down so he can calm his lover down, "oh, harry. I'm here and I promise I'm going to keep you safe and I'll ask my mother and father if you can stay at Malfoy manor and in my room." Harry nodded in agreement and dug his head into Draco's chest.

Draco picked up harry and wrapped his legs around his waist, he walked to the bed in the room and layed harry on it. He then got in hi self and pulled the covers up and cuddled harry. "Harry?" "Mm?" "I love you so, so, so much and will forever, even beyond death!" Draco cuddled harry even harder into his body, harry chuckled and said "I love you too and forever home death Draco." They kiss and fall asleep in each other's arms...

Hello! Today I made part three of truth or dare, but in have fun out of ideas so if you don't mind. Could you please come up with some ideas for me and I'll try and use all of them!
Hope you have a lovely day and please try to stay safe with all the drama goin' around, love you all!

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