the second task

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Sunday- 4:25AM
Draco's POV

I was shaken awake, I thought it was harry but instead prof. McGonagall. "Mr. Malfoy, get up. Harry must stay asleep so don't wake him up." Draco was confused but did as she said. As he got out of the bed, harry started to stir.

"Shh... Harry go back to sleep" he kissed his forehead and continued to get off the bed. McGonagall said not to change into a thing just stay in his pyjamas. Draco obeyed and followed the professor to her office. They sat down on opposite sides of the rather large desk in the room.

"Now Draco, I've come to realise that you and harry are in a relationship, am I correct?" Draco shook his head yes. "Alright before the second task begins, we will be putting you, miss granger, fluer's little sister (I forgot her name) and miss Chang underwater as the four champions will have to save you from drowning."

"OK professor? Problem is, i dont want to cause What happens if they don't save us? Do we drown or be saved by someone else?" Draco wanted to know if he would die because he doesn't know if harry can swim or not.

"Mr. Malfoy, if he doesn't save you. After everyone's left, we will have someone else come and get you." Draco just nodded his head and looked away relaxing into the back of his chair. "Now please follow me, it shall start in, oh my 1 hour! Hurry now!" They walked out of her office, out of Hogwarts gates and to the river with the giant octopus.

The rest was a blur to Draco. He was tied to a rope and given something to help him breathe underwater while the four champions try to save them. He was pulled into the water and everything went black.

Harry's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me awake assuming it was Draco. "Harry get up I can't find Hermione... Uhh where's Draco? Didn't he come in here with you last night?" It was Ron actually, I jolted up thinking of places where Draco could be, same with Hermione.

"What? Maybe there already at the lake. But then we would be there too. Hmm. Wait wait wait. OK Draco makes sense since I think he's the one I have to save. But Hermione? I don't know?" Ron gave me my Triwizard champion swim suit and I changed into them in the bathroom.

"What about victor krum, he is obsessed with mione. He's gonna save her I bet." I walked out of the bathroom. "Oh nice! Come on man let's go!" We walked out of the room and I had to leave Ron since I needed to go with the other three Triwizard champions.

When him, cedric, victor, and fleur where all in a small room together. Dumbledore walked in and motioned   for us to follow him. We do and we were lead to a boat. We climbed in and reached a small platform full of people.

We climbed out of the boat but Neville gave me some weird herb, he said it would help me breathe underwater. I took it and held it in my hands. I looked around not spotting Draco anywhere, I didn't see Hermione either. 'Yeah I think there underwater, I'm gonna save my boyfriend! Were gonna have a cute kiss in front of everyone and Ginny will stop trying to get with me!'

"Today, is the second task. We will watch the four Triwizard champions swim and save there loved ones from drowning! Let the task begin!" Dumbledore announced to everyone on the play from above the water from the microphone.

"Put it in your mouth" professor mad-eye moody told me. I shoved it into my mouth and started chewing.

"And go!" I jumped or more like fell into the hard water. My body started to ache. I moved like a madman shaking my entire body. Whatever was happening to my body hurt. My head felt as if it was going to explode. I gasped for air- or water I should say. Weirdly I could breathe it like a fish or mermaid?

I swam towards the surface to hear Neville say. "Oh no! I've killed harry potter!" I jumped out of the water and did a flip back into the dark blue water.

I swam deeper looking for anyone I knew, I just hoped Draco and hermione were OK.

~50 minutes later~

I finally spotted Draco blonde hair and dawn towards it. When I got there, I seen three over people, hermione, cho, and a little girl. I assumed the little girl was fleur's younger sister. I seen Cedric in the distance and he came towards cho, he cut the rope holding her from floating up to the surface. He swam to surface with cho is his arms.

A few minutes later victor came in a shark head and chewed off Hermione's rope. He grabbed her and swam towards the surface. I Waited but no one else came. I worried that the little girl would drown so I cut her rope and pulled her with me over to Draco, I cut his rope. As I did so, the weird looking mermaid and men came and tried to attack me. I pushed their body's upward and they glided to the surface. I could feel my body drowning in darkness and I passed out...

~Draco's POV~

I woke up from my slumber. There was a girl next to me and she was having trouble swimming, I helped her but nearly drowned a couple times myself since swim very well. We got to the platform and we were pulled up by a girl and the Weasley boy Ron. I looked but couldnt find harry.

"Where's harry?" I didn't notice everyone was quite.

"Why was Draco in the water?" "Maybe malfoy and harry are dating!" "No way! Harry would never date the son of the man who worked for you-know-who!" Everyone started to whisper about why i was in the water.

About ten minutes later everyone started to worry. There was no sign of harry, I was the most worried of all of them. And without thinking, I jumped into the water. Even tho I can't swim, I still risked my life to Save harry fucking potter.

I swam deeper and finally spotted harry being dragged down by weird ass looking mermaid and mermen. I grabbed my wand from my pocket and said a spell without thinking. It hit one of the ugly mermen and they all swam in random Direction. I grabbed harry and dragged him up to the surface. When we got to the floating the platform. Ron helped me get harry onto the platform. When we did I started doing mouth to mouth with harry trying to save his life.

Harry coughed up water, everyone was silent watching the scene before them mouths open full of shock. Hermione and pansy were in the background doing some weird dance in victory of some sort. "Harry are you OK? Does anything hurt? And be sure not to lie to me. Harry answer me!"

"Draco! I'm fine just very tired." He chuckled and laude back down on the wooden platform. I relaxed and lifted his head onto my lap. Everyone was staring at us and I could see harry was uncomfortable.

"What you crack heads looking at? You're making may be loved boyfriend uncomfortable!" I kissed my beloved and sexy boyfriend in front of everyone not giving a fuck if someone judge or if everyone judges. Harry kissed back and it ended with a screaming Ginny.

"OMG! Draco put a love spell on harry potter! Someone save him!" Hermione and pansy walked right up to her and they slapped the fucking shit outta her. Ron didn't even stop them cause it was an entertaining show for him. Blaise slipped something into my pocket. I didn't care and continued snogging my hot golden boy boyfriend.

~40 minutes later~

Harry came second! They said it was because he saved two people instead of one. Damn my boyfriend moven up in life. He went to the bathroom and I went to talk to blaise about what he gave me.

When I came to check on harry again, I seen Cedric fucking diggery FLIRTING with MY man! Oh hell no! I tackled Cedric to the ground and started hitting him. Harry just watched in total shock. When he came back to realty, he grabbed me and pulled me up into a kiss. "Draco claim down. I love you and only you! I'm glad you stopped him from letting anything else happen so take me to bed please?"

I didn't hesitate and picked him wrapping his legs around my waist, I walked us up to the ROR. Blaise told me what he put into my pocket and I hoped harry would allow me to do something special with him. When we got back to the ROR, I couldn't help myself and started...


Cliffhanger motherfuckers!
Hope you like my story so far!
I'm working really hard on it!
Bye guys!

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