Ch. 1

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Hey guys!!! This is my first ohshc fanfic. I hope that its ok!! Enjoy this (most likely horrible) story!!!


Shoto's pov:

I was sitting in the club room before I heard someone coming. I tapped Tamaki on the shoulder and pointed to the door. He eventually heard the footsteps and everyone was put into a spot. When the door opened flower petals were blown towards the door and the hosts welcomed them. When I got a good look at them I realized that they was a 'she'.

Tamaki went on one of his long lectures so I just went over to the twins. They dont act like they do with everyone else with me. They act even more protective than they do with others. When I went over there they both greeted me with genuine smiles and they both started rubbing my head. Which I very much enjoyed.

"So what's your type? The cool type?" Points to kyoya-sempai. "The boy-lolita type?" Points to Honey-sempai. "The silent, strong type?" Points to Mori-sempai. "The mischievous type?" Points to the twins. "The puppy type?" Points to me. "Or.. would you prefer someone like me?"

I walked over to Tamaki and lightly hit the back of his head. "....No." I said to him softly. He looked at me and tackled me in a hug that I struggled to get out of if it weren't for the twins. "You're crushing him!" They both said with slightly dark auras around them.

I turned and nuzzled both of them under their chin, into their neck and they calmed down. "You ok puppy?" They asked softly. I nodded my head and hugged them both.

"Its time to put your collar on before the club starts." I heard Mori's emotionless voice. I nodded and stretched my arms and made grabby hands at him. He picked me up and took me over to the sofa where Honey-sempai was eating cake and put my collar on me. I smiled as he put me down and let me run around the club room before it was time for customers.

I always stay with Hikaru and Kaoru but when it comes to the club I normally stay with the others. I get jealous when they do their twincest act.

~timeskip to after the club~

Me and the twins were in the limo heading home. I was listening to the radio before I felt arms slowly and gently wrap around my waist. I blushed at the contact and looked over to see Hikaru with a smirk causing my blush to deepen. "Hey~. Dont have fun without me~." Kaoru pouted and leaned over, starting to kiss and suck on my neck. "Mmm~"

I made sure not to make any sounds as we pulled up to the mansion. The twins stopped what they were doing and took me inside. We headed straight to the bedroom when we entered the house. when we got there we did our homework and went to sleep. (haha you thought they were gonna do ittt! Nope! Not in the first chapter. Too early!)

the Twins' puppyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang