Chapter 8

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The snow crunched under my winter boots as I walked through the forest.
I called out Ariel and Angel's name over and over.
"Ariel! Angel!" I called out into the empty forest.
I heard snow crunch behind me. I spun around hoping it would be Ariel. It was just a guard.
"I'm sorry your majesty. But it's going to be dark soon and we need to get back to the house for night."
"We can't stop looking now! We have only been out here for 2 hours!"
"Your majesty, we have been out here for 10 hours."
"Yes. We must be getting back now."
I nodded and followed the guard to the car waiting for us. It drove us to a small little house just past the forest.
"Who's house is this?" I asked the guard sitting next to me.
"Umm, Lady Ariel's." He said quietly.
"What? I can't stay there!"
"It's the only place we could stay without people recognizing you."
We got out of the car and walked into the small house. It wasn't what I expected. The first room was the living room. There was one light brown couch, a small tv, a coffee table and a dim lamp in the corner.
I wandered into the kitchen. It was the size of my closet! The bathroom was really small. One small bathtub, a toilet and a single sink. My guard showed me to the room I would be staying in. It was on the second floor. I walked in and realized this would be Tommy's room.
It was a small room with green walls. The room was filled with toys. The bed wasn't made and the clothes were pushed into a corner. I guess he wasn't very organized. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I stopped at a door with the letter 'A' on it. It was Ariel and Angels room. The door was cracked open a little. I pushed it open all the way and walked in slowly. It was a bigger room but not giant. There were two twin beds on each side of the room by the window. A piano sat to the right of the door. The walls were turquoise and brown. Along one wall sat some instruments. One side if the room was very neat and nothing was out of place. The other side was messier. The bed unmade and clothes spread across the floor and bed. The neat side was Ariel's, the side with the instruments. I sat down at the piano and ran my fingers along the keys. Ariel's fingers were on these. I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks. I missed Ariel so much. I saw some blank paper. I decided to write a letter to Ariel. After I finished I placed it on her nightstand. I laid down on her lumpy bed. I looked to the side and saw a picture of me on her wall. I picked it up and turned it over. It had sloppy handwriting on the back.
Tomorrow I leave for the palace. I get to meet the queen, king, princesses and princes. I'm excited. I highly doubt I'll like the Prince. He seems stiff and stuck up. When I get eliminated I hope I read this. So if I am reading I was most likely eliminated. So when I eliminated I can get back with Jeremiah. He was going to propose I think, but I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. We have been dating for about 8 months now. But we broke up today. He told me he loved me but I didn't love him back yet. He said if I come back from the palace we could date again. I can't wait. I will stay in the Selection for awhile I hope. To get some space from my life here.
I started to cry even harder reading this. I know it's her privacy but I couldn't help but read it. She dated another guy before the Selection and was going to get engaged soon! Why wouldn't she tell me this! She told me she loved me but didn't tell me about Jeremiah! We told each other everything. Everything! I took the picture and walked back to Tommy's room. I put the picture into my bag and climbed into the bed. I soon fell asleep in tears.

I woke up with a sore back from sleepy on this lumpy bed. I stretched out my arms and slowly got out of bed. I dressed into some jeans and a t-shirt. I slowly walked downstairs and sat down at the small table. I heard people speak from the kitchen.
"I don't think we will find them."
"I know but we can't tell the Prince that."
"We also can't keep looking and put the Prince in danger!"
"I know let's just keep looking for a couple days and then go back."
The conversation stopped and two guards came into the room and gave me a plate of food. Pancakes, eggs and sausage. I started to eat the food and it wasn't as good as palace food but it wasn't terrible.

"When are we going out?" I asked the guards.
"Umm, soon. Whenever you want."
"Well let's go."
We walked out the door into the car. I sat in the back thinking about Ariel and why she would lie to me. The car came to a sudden halt and I was flung forward then back. A guard opened my door and I got out.
Today I took a different path through the forest.
"Ariel! Angel!" I called out.
I saw some footprints barely visible on the snow.
I slowly followed the footsteps as they wandered deeper into the forest.
Soon the footsteps stopped in front of a bush. I slowly stepped around it. My breathing was heavier and I started to sweat. My hands shook in my warm, thick gloves. I closed my eyes tight as I took one final step around the bush. I slowly opened my eyes. At first I didn't see anything and my heart dropped. I quickly looked around the bush. Nothing. I started to walk away when I saw a strip of fabric in the bush. It was the fabric of Ariel's dress she wore the day she went missing. I looked deeper into the bush and saw the red hair of Ariel.
"Help!! I found Ariel!!!" I screamed falling to my knees.
Guards came running within seconds. They carefully cut the bush away and pulled Ariel out. She was unconscious. Bruises and cuts all over her body. A guard came with a board thing to put her on and carry her out.
"Where's Lady Angel?" One guard asked.
I forgot about her. I was so distracted by Ariel I forgot about her. I ran up to the bush and looked in. It was empty.
I ran to all the bushes looking for her but I couldn't find anything. I saw faded red in the snow almost pink leading to a group of pine trees. I pushed aside the branches. Angel laid limp in the deep snow with a giant cut on her head.
"I found Angel!" I screamed out into the forest.
Guards came running as pushed me aside to help her. The carried her out of the forest. I ran past the guards to the big van where Ariel laid inside.
I jumped into the back and sat beside Ariel.
"I found you. I can't believe your here." I whispered to her even though she was still unconscious.
I grabbed her hand and held it close to my heart. A guard came to close the doors but stopped when he saw me.
"Your majesty, we have to go to the private jet now to take them back. Would you like to stay back here?"
"Yes. Thank you."
He nodded his head and close the door. I soon felt the van start to drive. The van drove for 13 minutes before stopping. The guard opened the door and helped take Ariel out. They were carried into the plane and I followed close behind.
"Your majesty, please stay here." The main guard said as they took the girls into a different par of the plane. I nodded and sat down in one seat. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"Your majesty. We have arrived at the palace."
I nodded and stood up from the comfy seat. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the plane. I was quickly rushed inside.
"Oliver!" I was greeted by my mother embracing me.
"Sorry." She backed off as my brother ran towards me.
"Thank you so much!" He said hugging me.
I didn't say anything back just hugged me tighter.
"Oliver? You're home!" Olivia squealed as she walked towards me.
I ran to her and hugged her and spun her around.
"I'm so glad your safe!" She gushed.
"Me too."
"Olly!!" Celeste giggled waddling over.
"Hi Les!" I said spinning her around as she giggled uncontrollably.
I put her down and raced up the stairs and almost ran into Rose.
"Is it true?" She asked me with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
I nodded my head fast as a smile grew on her face. She hugged me laughing.
"I'm going to see her now, come on!" I said pulling her towards the hospital wing.
We ran down the rows if rooms looking for Ariel. I saw her flaming red hair through a door window.
I tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Your highness, Lady Ariel is not allowed visitors till the checkup is done and anything they need to do to her yet." A doctor explained.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked the doctor.
"4 broken ribs at least. We have to stitch up her back. A concussion. That's all we know so far. We will let you know if we find anything else out."
I sat down in the waiting area with Rose to my left.
"I wonder how Angel is." I thought out loud.
"YOU HAVE TO LET ME SEE HER!!" I heard a voice shout.
I saw guards struggling to get the mystery man away from a door. Finally they got the man under control and sat him down on a chair. He turned his head and it was Thomas. I got up and walked to him.
"Hey." I said sitting next to him.
"They won't let me see Ariel either. I know it sucks but it's for their own good."
He just nodded his head slowly. I walked back to Rose and fell asleep with her leaning on my shoulder.
Almost 400 views!! You guys are the best!!! Sorry that it's so short. So I got my puppy today and we have a name for it we just have to see if my other brother agrees to it!! I'll give you a hint of what it is. The name is from The Selection! That's all I'm telling you! Remember to vote, comment and stuff! Love ya!

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