Chapter 6

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*Ariel's POV*
I sat in the dark truck for what seemed like hours. Finally the truck made a sudden stop and I banged my head against the metal wall. I felt a hot, sticky liquid come out of my head. A man a little older than me opened the door.
"Get out!" He demanded holding a gun.
I stood up but everything went blurry and I was really dizzy.
"I said, get out!" He said as he jumped into the truck.
He grabbed my shoulder and dragged me out making me stumble with my heels.
He continued to drag me to this abandoned cabin. He opened the door and pushed me in.
"What do you want from me?" I asked.
"We are using you to get to the royal family. Oliver will do anything to get you back."
"That's Prince Oliver to you!" I yelled at him which made my head hurt even more.
I held my hand against my head and when I pulled it away it was covered in blood.
"Can I have a bandage?" I asked.
"No." He responded.
I sighed and leaned against the wall. He tied my hands together and tied me to a chair. He started looking through cabinets.
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked him.
"I'm going to torture you and film it and send it to Oliver."
"That's cruel!"
"Your aren't going to stop me from torturing you."
"Do want ever you want to me, just leave Oliver out of it."
He laughed at me.
"What's the fun in that?"
"What's your name?"
I shut up after that. I recognized that name and him, but I don't know where from.
He continued looking through the cabinets.
"What are you looking for?" I asked him.
"You sure do ask a lot of questions. I'm looking for this!" He said pulling out a rag.
"What are you going to do with that?" Maybe I do ask a lot of questions. But I'm a curious person.
"This." He said and shoved it in my mouth.
"Now you can't talk anymore.
"Ready for the first video?" He asked. He set up a camera on a stand in front of my chair.
He pulled the rag out of my mouth.
"I want Oliver to hear your pain."
He pressed a button on the camera.
"Hello, Prince Oliver. I have Lady Ariel with me." He said and moved from in front of me.
I felt tears coming thinking of what this will do to him. No, I had to be strong for him. Will was still talking but I tuned him out. I looked in the camera and mouthed I love you, Oliver.
I smiled at the camera. Suddenly Will slapped me, really hard. I bit on my tongue trying not to scream. Blood filled my mouth.
"What am I not hitting you hard enough?" Will asked.
When I didn't respond he slapped me really hard. I moved my face to the side. A stinging pain shot through my cheek. I bit my lip trying not to cry in pain. Will slapped me, kicked me, punched me and so much more for at least an hour before he stopped recording. He left me alone tied up. There was dry blood on my face and the back of my head was pounding. My eye was swelling on my left side. I fell asleep on the hard, wooden chair with my hands tied behind my back.
*Oliver's POV*
I haven't slept or ate anything since Ariel has gone missing. It's been about 3 days now, I think. I lost count. I spend all day in my room. Right now it's 3:47 am and I'm on my balcony looking up at the stars.
Someone knocked on my door.
I walked over and opened it.
"Oliver, you need to see this." My father said and pulled me down the hallway into his office. I sat down on a chair and a video played. It was a man a little older than me.
"Hello, Prince Oliver. I have Lady Ariel with me." The man said and moved to the side. I saw Ariel tied up on a chair. Her dress was ripped up and her hair was a mess but she was still the most beautiful girl ever. It broke my heart to see her that way.
The guy was talking but I was focused on Ariel. She mouthed I love you, Oliver. She smiled at me.
"I love you too, Ariel." I said as tears ran down my cheek.
The man slapped Ariel and she was almost in tears but still didn't cry or say anything.
"What am I not hitting you hard enough?" The man asked.
He slapped her again she looked to the side, trying not to cry. She is trying to be strong for me. This went on for about an hour. At the end her eye was swollen and the blood on her face was dried. She looked at the camera one last time. She wasn't going to give up. She's too strong to give up. She is a fighter. I have to stay strong for her. Hiding in my room isn't going to get her back to me. I stood up and wiped the tears away from my eyes.
"Dad, we will. We will do anything to get her back! I love her! I can't live without her. Dad, I need her. I really do." I explained.
"Son, we will get her back. I promise."
"Where did this video come from?"
"This package." My dad said giving me an envelope.
I picked it up.
"There's an address on it!"
"Son, that's our address."
"Oh." That was embarrassing.
For hours my dad and I planned on how to get Ariel back. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Come in." My dad said not looking up from some papers.
My mom walked in.
"Maxon, Oliver you missed breakfast and now it's time for lunch."
I looked at the time, 11:52 am.
"I'm not hungry. I have to find Ariel soon." I said looking through a bunch I papers.
"Oliver, honey you have to eat something. You haven't eaten anything for days. Starving yourself isn't going to bring her back! You have to be strong which means eating."
"The more time I waste the more Ariel gets tortured. Eating is a waste of time."
"Honey, if we find Ariel..."
"When we find Ariel." I corrected her.
"Of course. When we find Ariel you will want to be healthy for her. You know how she will react if she saw you like this." She explained looking at me.
I was wearing wrinkled dress pants, a white button up shirt not tucked in. My hair was a complete disaster. I looked in the mirror. There were dark bags under my eyes.
"I can't take the time to take of myself. I need to find Ariel."
"Sweetie, other people are trying to find her too. Go sleep, shower, eat something and change your clothes."
"But mom!" I whined.
"Go! Now!"
I dragged my feet out to my room. I showered and there was a tray of food on my table. I ate some food and crawled into my bed and fell asleep within a minute.
*Ariel's POV*
It's been a few days I think since I've been kidnapped and tortured. I spend most of my time tied to a chair.
"Ariel, time for another video!" Will said coming into the room holding a whip.
"What are you doing with that whip?"
"Since you don't cry in pain so hopefully this will break you."
He set up the camera and laid me done on my stomach on a box. It hurt like crazy. I must have either broken or bruised ribs. He started recording and as always I mouthed I love you, to the camera. Will started to whip me. I bit my lip trying not to cry or scream. Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away. He whipped me slowly but painfully. Soon I slowly blacked out by the lost of blood.
I woke up still tied to the box. I moved a little an a stinging pain went through the body coming from my back. Will walked in.
"Finally awake." He said putting a stale piece of bread in front of my face. I slowly ate it. Every time I chewed it hurt. No matter what I did it hurt. After I was done I coughed and Will gave me a small glass of murky water with a straw in it so I could drink. I drank the water fast.
"How long was I out for?" I croaked.
My throat was really dry.
"About a week. You keep going in a out of conciseness."
I looked around the cabin and the TV was on and the report was starting. Oliver was sitting on a chair next to Gavril. He was skinnier and tired but tried to stay strong.
"Good evening, Illéa. It has been a week and a half since the lovely Lady Ariel sacrificed herself for princess Amberly. We haven't given up and we won't. If you know anything please, please let us know." Oliver said trying not to cry.
"Yes, the selection is postponed till Lady Ariel is found. Thank you." Oliver finished. The Report was over.
I could see the hurt and fear in his eyes and it broke my heart.
"My plan is working. Oliver is broken."
"Please let me go home. Oliver will never give up."
Will walked up to me without answering and slapped me and punched me and kicked me. I took a metal bar and hit me over the head. I saw a figure in front of me, I recognized her hair right away but I was knocked out before I could say something.
*Oliver's POV*
It's been 2 1/2 weeks since Ariel has been missing. We have a plan we are ready to use.
"Oliver! I told you to come down 15 minutes ago!" My mom scolded me.
Right, we were having a meeting with the head of the guards. There has been 10 videos sent to me. Almost all of then end with Ariel knocked out, some are just of her knocked out. There has been one guy delivering the videos and we put a tracker on him and we know are seeing where he is headed. We got the newest video today of another girl, Ariel's sister Angel. I couldn't believe they kidnapped her. We have the rest of Ariel's family staying in the palace. Tomorrow we send out guard a to get Ariel and Angel back. I walk down the hall and bumped into Thomas.
"Oliver, where's Angel? She isn't here and everyone is avoiding the question."
He looked up at me well looked at me we are the same height.
"I need to tell you something." I said pulling him into a closet.
"Don't you have a meeting?"
"You need to know this."
"Angel. She was kidnapped by the rebels and now is with Ariel. We are going to get them back very soon."
Thomas had tears streaming down his cheek.
"No! She is at her house! Laughing and smiling! She can't be kidnapped! I won't allow it!" He screamed.
I pulled him into a hug.
"I know how you feel, Ariel is the love of my life. You must be strong for her."
He nodded and whipped the tears away from his face.
"Let's go to the meeting. It includes you now." We walked out of the closet and into the meeting room.
"Sorry I'm late. Let's begin."
The meeting last 2 hours and 37 minutes. We are sending 35 guards out to find Ariel and Angel.
"Thomas, go get some sleep. You will see Angel soon."
He nodded and went into his room which was next to mine.
I walked into my room on to my balcony like every night.
I looked down at the garden and saw a girl with a guard, kissing!
Normally I wouldn't do anything, but the moonlight shone on the girl and it was Lucille Rich!
I ran downstairs into the garden.
"Lucille!" I called and she quickly turned around.
"Hello, Oliver." She said slowly walking towards me.
"You're out!"
"What do you mean?" She asked batting her eyelashes.
"You were kissing that man! You both are out of the palace as the lowest members of society!"
"You shouldn't do that!" She sang.
"Why?" I barked at her.
"I know where Ariel and her stupid little sister is!"
"We do too!"
"Yeah, about that. I have rebels in the palace so they heard your plan and they are moving them to a new location." She said with an evil grin on her face.
"Yeah, I'm a member of the rebels and this is my boyfriend! We had rebel members from all over the country sign up for the Selection and I got in. Along with another girl who is still here. Won't tell you who but you will marry her and I can go back to my boyfriend and the royal family will be ruined."
"No! I won't allow it!"
"Too late. It's already happening!" She laughed evilly and walked off into the palace.
Before she completely walked inside she turned around and said,
"Oh and if you tell one person Ariel and Angel will be killed!"
I stood there in shock. I trusted Lucille. Not as much as Ariel, she was always so kind. I ran inside and into my dad's office.
"Dad!" I said and my dad turned his chair to face me.
"What is it?"
"You can't tell anyone but Lucille Rich and one other girl are rebel members. Some guards are rebels and they are moving Ariel and Angel. If she knows I told you she will kill them." I whispered in one breath.
"Oh crap! What do we do now?" My dad asked me.
For once in my life my dad didn't know what to do.
"I don't know. I really don't know." I said with tears in my eyes.
When will I see Ariel again. I need her. I love her. She is my life. Without her I have no purpose. I will find her if it's the last thing I do. And that's a promise.

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