 so, I blame tumblr 🙄

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honestly, the only thing I do on tumblr is read and write bc people get so political and downright hateful.

anyway, yes, I'm reading a bunch of Charlie Weasley x Readers and Bill Weasley x Readers. and I hate myself for it, because I'm in love with Bill now too— and Percy! I honestly thought I'd hate Percy bc he seems so uptight, but I adore him.

but yeah. do I want to write a Bill fic and Percy fic that ties into my Charlie fic? yeah, honestly, I do. someone tell me no. I'm so obsessed with the Weasley family. this is getting bad.

but yeah— I adore the Weasleys and I want to write more fics for the older three 🤷🏻‍♀️ even though I know that I shouldn't.

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