 why tf am I like this??

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y'all, ever had that feeling that you want to shoot your shot? because like, I want too. I know this will go one of two ways. I'm rejected, or by some miracle, he actually responds and it goes good.

here's the kicker. he doesn't know that I exist, but we only live a few hours away from one another, and he's hella cute. I'm hella cute too, but like, I'm insecure about this too 🤷🏻‍♀️ and like, I'm mf girlfriend AND wifey material. I know that, tf

- I'm supportive, af
- I'll love their family
- I'm not controlling
- I date bc I see potential
- I've got something going for me
- I don't flirt with others
- if I'm committed, I got eyes for one person only
- I want a future with someone
- I'm always done for adventures
- I like cuddling
- I'll play video with them, no problem
- you clingy? cool
- you're not clingy? cool
- I'm not the jealous type

like, bro, how tf am I single? (we don't talk about my ex, lmao) and like, all the weird guys are attracted to me and like, why?

also, why tf do I like a potato and my crush looks like he was sculpted by the gods?

cool, this was just me whining bc he's super cute and I'm not and I know that I don't have a shot lmao

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