4:45 (coffee break)

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my reflection
in your dark world.
you're warm, hot,
gentle down my neck.
i'm a morning lark
and a night owl
got shit to get done
so i need stimulant.
like a fresh change
of clothes, bitter
over sweetness.

your love is a coffee break
i take you slow, it's better
savoured, takes me out,
refills my batteries
there's nothing to get done. my goals are in a casket because some idiot ate something he wasn't supposed to. my ideas are born into a world that didn't want them. these corridors are all the same everywhere i go. god is a satellite hurtling at light speed through the rocky corona of our solar system. maybe if i loved you more, this wouldn't have happened. i need to scream where no one can hear me. should've just become a fucking doctor. we can't stay here.

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