Chapter 8

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Quinn was excited that she was finally going to be able to go home. The doctors had kept her in the hospital for a few days just for observation. She was a little concerned as to why they wanted to give her an ultrasound and blood tests before they finally let her leave.

"I still don't understand why I'm doing this." The cheerleader sighed as the nurse squirted the cold gel onto her stomach.

"I have something to tell you baby." The brunette started. Judy and Russell were in the hallway, signing papers and sorting out insurance before they could leave. "While you were in a coma, the doctors did blood tests then and found out that you had elevated hormone levels which only indicated one thing." Rachel took a deep breath before continuing. "Quinn, you're pregnant."

"And it seems as if you are about two months along. Congratulations Miss Fabray, your coma did nothing to effect your baby's growth." The nurse told them happily, wiping the gel from the blonde's stomach before leaving her to get dressed.

"I don't understand, I haven't been sleeping with anyone but you for the last ten months." Quinn went pale as she looked around the room, desperately trying to figure out what happened. "You said you could get me pregnant Rachel." Tears filled her eyes and it destroyed Rachel.

"I know baby, I know. I didn't think I could but I did take a sperm count and apparently I have swimmers which are capable of making you pregnant." The quarterback tried to let the girl know how sorry she was but she didn't know how. She didn't know how she could make it up to the girl.

"You got me pregnant?" the tears started to fall as she leaned in to the girl, trying to get some comfort. "What will my parents say?" she cried.

"They know babe. They know and they don't mind." Rachel started rubbing her back.

Quinn sighed, trying to stop herself crying. "This isn't going to be that bad right? I mean, we love each other and by the time it comes, we will be out of high school. Rach I don't want you to not go on with your football career because of this. Baby please, tell me you won't give up on football." Quinn told her. "You are amazing at it and you will go so far. I'll stay here and be a Lima loser and you can come back and visit me and our kid whenever you feel like it. I'm not going to tie you down." She rambled, standing up and grabbing her clothes.

"Babe, stop." The quarterback stopped her, holding her hands. "We will be Lima losers together. I'm not leaving you to raise our baby alone." She pulled the blonde tight to her chest. "We are going to get through this together. I am going to get a job so that we can pay for the bills that are going to come and then we will raise the kid together. We can do this."

"We're teenagers Rachel." Quinn sighed.

"I'm not going anywhere Lucy Quinn Fabray, I promise you." Their eyes connected and they communicated in a way that people have only heard about.

"I love you." The blonde relented, letting the strong quarterback take her in her arms. The couple gave each other comfort in the moment.

"I love you too baby." Rachel didn't even need to question whether or not she fathered this child. She would stick around even if the kid looked exactly like Finn when it came out. It was Quinn that the girl wanted and that's all that mattered. "Look, I want to be with you for the entirety of the foreseeable future. I know that we haven't talked about it very much at all but no doubt in that time kids were going to come along. It just so happens that we are having a kid sooner than we expected."

"In my plan, you were going to be a famous football star when we had our first." The brunette ran her hands up and down Quinn's back. "And we were going to be able to support it easily rather than you going out and working your ass off and then we still struggle." The blonde was feeling more and more hopeless with every moment that passed.

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