"Then why did you go with them?" she asked, trying to hide her smile.

"To keep up appearances. I can't be the biggest stud in school and not sleep around. They wont tell anyone that I didn't join in because how would that look for them? That I didn't want to have anything to do with them." The girl shrugged.

"I'm jealous." Quinn admitted quietly, her hands finding their way into the front pockets of Rachel's jeans and refusing to make eye contact.

"Of what?" the football star cooed softly, running her thumb across the girls cheek.

"Its stupid," she started, "I'm jealous because for a few minutes tonight people looked at them and knew you were all together. Even if it was only going to be for an hour or so. They all knew who Santana and Brittany belonged to for that period of time."

"That's not stupid." Rachel reassured her. she placed a kiss to the blondes lips. The school was practically empty now that the game was over.

"You look good." The cheerleader changed the subject.

"I look good every day." She smirked. Rachel knew exactly what Quinn was talking about. The blonde loved when the girl wore tight jeans, a polo and her team jacket.

"You won the game." Quinn mumbled, leaning completely against the brunette who was still leaning against the wall with one foot on it.

"For you." The quarterback breathed.

"Take me home Rae." She pleaded, kissing the girl in front of her. Their lips touched as their tongues danced. It wasn't hurried which made it perfect.


The pair drove home in silence. Their growing feelings for each other were starting to come between them. Rachel was more than happy to open up and tell the blonde how she felt but Quinn couldn't bring herself to tell the quarterback her true feelings. They were each certain that the other knew how they felt but there were gaps in their conversation where things should have been said or compliments should have been given that weren't. This made things awkward and hard. They used to be able to spend time together and then have their physical relationship on the side, but not anymore.

It was getting to Quinn that she was being unfaithful. She wanted more than anything to be open about their relationship, their love. But alas, she knew that her parents wouldn't ever accept it. She knew that her life would change drastically if she were to ever go against what her parents had to say about her way of life.

Rachel pulled in to the driveway of her family home. Her dads were out, as usual, leaving her to have the house to herself. The brunette turned to the girl in the passenger seat, taking her hand.

"Q," she started softly, trying to hold eye contact with a girl that wouldn't allow her to. If she did, she would see Quinn's vulnerability and the blonde just couldn't have that. "You said this morning that if I won the game, you would do anything, that you would be my slave." She stated. "I don't want you to be my slave baby. The only thing I want tonight is that from the moment we walk in to that house, Finn doesn't exist. Nothing exists except us and how we feel about each other. From the moment we walk in the door, you are my girlfriend as I am your girlfriend. I just want a night with you where we can forget the world and spend time together like we used to. If we have sex then that's great. If we don't, that's great as well." The cheerleader listened to the girl talk and took in what she was saying. She bit her lip and nodded, silently agreeing to the proposition. Quinn desperately wanted this night as well.

The girls got out of the car, walking hand in hand to the front door. "Do you want to watch a movie and have dinner?" Quinn asked as Rachel unlocked the door.

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