"What is it?" he said as he tilted his head to the side.

They were now only a few inches away from each other as we both stared into each other's eyes. They both then saw a akuma passing by the window.

They both muttered, "Oh no!" "No way!"

"Uh, you mind if we finish for the day," Adrianna quickly states.

"Uh, good idea! I need some air!" Marin quickly responded as he stood up.

"Okay so see yeah later!" Adrianna says as she started to head out the exit quickly.

"Yup see yeah," Marin says as he started to run off into the bathroom directions.

"Great! Evens Akuma are stopping me from telling Marin my feelings," Adrianna mumbles as she went to the lockers, "Come on Plagg, Claws on!"

"Can I ever have a day off," Marin mumbles as he entered the bathroom.

"And such bad timing. It seem like Adrianna had something to tell you," Tikki commented.

"Well we have to talk later, we have work to do. Tikki spots on!"

(Cough* cough* taps conductor writng wand) Blah blah Mister Bug and Kitty Noir arrive to the scene.. They fight the akuma all the way to the louve..Kitty throw a lot of puns... Misterbug gets annoyed with her joking...They akuma have them cornered... Misterbug finally uses his lucky charm blah blah... They save the day.. fist pumped and return things back to normal (Scene)

Mister Bug was running across the roof tops as his earring were beeping he then leap of a edge off the roof. He was looking for a place to transforms. He found an alley and from the rooftop he was in the middle of transforming back. He was now falling mid air without Misterbugs powers. From his training with the guardians he was able to menuver his landing into a garbage bin. Which caused a large crash landing as he fell in, "Ow."

"Are you okay Marin?!"Tikki asked as she floated down to where Marin laid on top of the garbage.

"Honestly," Marin lies on the garbage, "Its one of my best landing."

Tikki sighed in relief, "At least the guardian training helped, "Tikki complimented as she went into try to get him up.

"I luckily landed in the alley where the garbage bins is filled with feathers," Marin sat up and pull out some feathers that were on his back.

When he sat up his didn't realize Kitty Noir just ran in the alley, "Plagg Claws off."

 It was too late for him to not look as she was already in mid transformation. He froze when he saw her identity., "Finally I can have my cheese!" Plagg says as he spiraled in the air before landing in her hands.

"Here," Adrianna chuckles as she gave him his cheese. As she did so she felt someone was watching her. She turns round to see no one but a alley cat, "Come on lets get out of here."

"Yo is she gone?" Marin asked but sat up to check if the coast was clear, "I can't believe it was her."

"Uh Marin?" Tikki asked as she waited for a response from him.

"It's Adrianna..."Marin muttered.

"Marin?" Tikki tried again to snap him out of his frozen state.

"It's always been her?" Marin questioned, "But that means.. That I like her but she like Mister Bug. But she... I told her, she knows... she knows I LIKE HER!" Marin says in panic as he hopped out of the garbage bin.

Miraculously ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now