Chapter 4

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"Sir, I'm pretty sure you can't mandate that your assistant participates in trendsetting with you," Natalie said over the phone as she waited for Adrianna to take her to school.

"Yes, I can, I-its in section B subsection 3 of Team Agreste, "Gabriel argues.

"Sir, your ridiculous," Natalie argues.

"Please Natalie, don't be difficult," Gabriel said.

"Of course sir," Natalie eye-rolled as she hung up the phone as Adrianna finally came out of the house.

"Hey, Natalie you look great!" Adrianna complimented.

Natalie smiled at her, "Thank you. Ready for school?"

"Yup," Adrianna smiled as she entered the car and Natalie went to join her to tell her schedule as they went to drop her off the school.

Nina was already waiting for her to arrive, "Hey girl!" Nina expressed as the car door opened.

"Hey," Adrianna replied as she got out of the car and wave goodbye to Natalie and Gorilla.

"How are you feeling? I know left you not in the best time yesterday," Nina apologized.

"Don't worry it's ok," Adrianna reassured, "Daddy sent me to a spa day soon after."

"So as soon as I leave that when you get pampered!" Nina acts offended.

Adrianna bit her lip to hold her laughter, "Sorry."

Nina gave her an eye-roll, "As long as your feeling about the breakup that's all it matters. Just take me next time!"

"Deal," She laughs as they went to their lockers. Adrianna frown when she didn't see Marin at his locker usually there to greet her. She smiled as she thought about how their friendship grew over the years. Even as Kitty Noir she paid some visit to talk to him. He always there, she smiled at all he has ever done for her and even fought her father in defense. She frowned as reality hit that wasn't there but then she turned towards down the hall, "Huh, Marin and Luna?" She said out loud.

"Wait, what?" Nina expressed as she took off her headphones. Then she looks over Adrianna's shoulder to see what was she talking about. Then she saw Alain passing by talking to Ron, "Come here, lover boy." Nina ordered as she pulled his collar of his shirt

"Hey watch it, Oh hey Nin..," Alain stopped his words as Nina refocused his head to see Marin and Luna holding hand and talking to each other, "What's going on?"

"I thought you said.." Nina started but Alain finished her statement.

"Me too!" Alain replies.

"You said!"

"I did!"

"What happened?"

"Obviously, I don't know!" Alain expressed.

"They're cute together," Adrianna smiled slightly but her heartache as she saw them. She was immediately confused about why she was feeling odd.

Soon Luna left Marin and he made their way. The group immediately turned around and acted like they saw nothing. Alain leaned onto the locker acting not so cool as he started fidgeting and whistling in a different direction. Marin paused to look at them with a smirk on his face, "So what's up guys?" He said with crossed arms.

"Oh..." Nina began but Alain couldn't keep his cool.

"How dare you not tell your best friend?" Alain expressed as he pointed his finger in Marin's face.

Marin chuckled, "It just happened last night?"

"You said it wasn't a date!" Alain pointed his finger again.

Miraculously ComplicatedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang