"Don't even try bullshit me"

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A/N: okay. So this is the next chapter. I'm thinking of each chapter showing how I imagined each character. So I'm gonna do Katniss and Cole this chapter. Katniss i think is almost exactly how i wanted her to look apart from she'd look a little younger. Enjoy!


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As I was thrown into the van, I caught my last view of freedom that i would see for a while

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As I was thrown into the van, I caught my last view of freedom that i would see for a while. It's kind of depressing that my life of freedom ends when I'm only 15. I mean I've only been out in the world properly for like 7 years. Not long enough to do all the things I wanna do. Before mum and dad died I wanted to accomplish so much. My dream was to study at backlemore, a prestigious arts school.
(A/N i know backlemore doesn't exist but 1) this is fiction 2) I'm the author so I can do whatever the fuck i wanna, 3) does anyone even know any good art schools? Anyway back to the story)
I wanted to graduate there with a first, and carry on to become a famous street artist like Banksy, except i wanted to be recognised, and get payed so I could provide for my family that had provided for me. I was gonna travel the world; Paris, LA, Las Vegas, India, Africa. Everywhere. My parents used to tell me and the others that we could be whoever we wanted to be. Apparently dead counts as a profession now. Thanks mum and dad.

As I look up from the van, i see my siblings. Cole, Casey, Poppy, Caoimhe, (its pronounced Keeva you guys)
Cleona, Yasmin and Grace. Mum and dad went a bit Irish on the fourth and fifth. There's a lot of us I know, but we love eachother. Me and Cole are the oldest, and have become parent figures to the others, especially Grace and Yasmin. They're only little. Eight and nine. Casey, Poppy and Caoimhe are the only ones who remember mum and dad, other than me and Cole.

The girls and Cole look so scared. I look up and try to give them a reassuring smile, when in reality it probably looks like a pained grimace. Those bastards dislocated my shoulder when I tried to kick them in the balls. I mean, i know it hurts, but really? Does it hurt enough to dislocate my shoulder.

"Katniss" Casey says.

"Hey baby."

She lets out a choked sob, and i somehow make myself over to her and wrap an arm around her. The girls start to come towards me, and i see their tear stained faces and red eyes. I look at Cole and see an emotion that I haven't seen on his calm face in a while: despair and anger. I don't think I've ever seen him look this furious. He looks ready to kill someone, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did, he has so much built up anger. The anger at our parents dying, us being on the streets, joining a gang, and now he's ready to flip.

"Cole, love. Don't do anything that you'll regret." I say quietly to him.

"I don't think i could ever regret harming these FUCKERS" he yelled the last part.

"Oi shut up you twats. You'll get us caught unless you shut up" James the dickhead says.

"And what would you do if we didn't shut up huh?" I ask.

"Well first of all I'd beat you up until you're nearly blind with the blood in your eyes. And then I'd kill these pretty little girls of yours."James says. Taking pleasure in me and coles infuriated looks, and the girls terrified afaces.

"Alright fuck face we'll shut up. But don't think that we're ok with this." I warn

"Wasn't expecting you to be" James retorted.

The van starts, and so does the girls crying. I feel tempted to cry too. This is it. We're going to the walls. There's no turning back now. We now have no future. No freedom. Nothing.

"Hey. Ssh. It's gonna be alright love. It's gonna be alright." I try to comfort the girls.

"But we're gonna have to go to the walls. And you always said that it was a terrible place." Caoimhe whispers.

"But you're gonna be here with the rest of us. Yeah? We're gonna be ok." I say.


"Now lovely. Go to sleep. It's gonna be a long ass journey and you should get some rest baby."

Cole gives me a look over the top if Caoimhe's head. As if to say there is no way we're gonna be ok don't try to bullshit me.

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