"Drop the attitude if you know whats good for you"

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A/N: alright here's the first chapter. Please comment and vote and tell me what you think. Enjoy!

My blood is pumping. I'm breathing fast. I'm twisting through
the streets, shoving the few people who are out at midnight, out of the way. I have to get out of here. I hear the shouts and yells of the three pursuers.
"Come back here" one of them shouts.
I've gotta get away. I know this place like the back of my hand,
but I'm pretty sure they do too. They're bigger and stronger than me. Hell, I'm just a fifteen year old girl, who's running for their life. But then again, they've already got Cole and the girls. So why not let them take me. Why not let them take me to the
place of captivity, where I knew I was gonna end up from the first day my mum and dad died. Why am I trying to resist it? I'm resisting the inevitable. But I've never given up and today won't be that day.

I see a wall in front of me and I jump up and haul myself over
it. The irony of this situation makes me want to fall into hysterical laughter. I'm usually the one who's chasing people. People I see as below me, or who are just asking for a punch in their shit-talking mouth. I guess I'm a stereotype for teens living without
a parental figure. But, can you blame me? I'm frustrated. I've had to grow up so fast. Me and Cole had to start looking after our 6 sisters properly when we were
I mean what on earth possessed them to have
children other than being horny fuckers. Although me and
Cole were only supposed to be one child, that's twins for you. We've had no time to be proper teens. Somehow Cole still manages to control his anger, and doesn't fight much. Maybe that's why he got caught so soon after the girls. Or maybe he was just trying
to protect them.

There's a road up ahead. I need to get across it. Maybe get some
help. But the thing is no one ever helps teens like me. Maybe that's coz I look dodgy. I mean I'm dressed in a leather jacket, black jeans and black combat boots. It's kinda a normal outfit for me, but I have to admit, people don't really trust me. They probably
think that I'm getting chased after by another gang, and will get stabbed if they help me. I hear the pounding of feet behind me. Shit. They're too close. Last time I tried to get across the road in a chase, I ended up having a motorbike crashing into me.
I'm not the best at crossing roads.


I now have two thoughts running through my head:


I hate my parents for being bookworms and naming me after a book character. Like
it's not even a normal name like hazel from the fault in our stars, or even primrose, if they wanted a hunger games reference, but noooo it had to be Katniss.

Anyway, I'm now stuck. I have two options to either get run over
or go with the creepy dudes to The Walls. So, I stop and I turn around.

"Alright, I'm coming to ya. I'll come peacefully, so long as
you don't hurt me, and you won't hurt my siblings" I negotiate.

"You just had to pick a Galway one who only speaks Gaelic didn't you James." One of them said

"Apparently Irish people speak Gaelic and I'm stuck with the one who can't. "The James guy says. I don't like the look of him. He looks too cocky for his own good. Someone needs to take him down a peg or two.

"James I didn't finish education alright. Never finished my Gaelic course." The blonde one says

Oh for god's sake. How useless are they? Like Gaelic isn't that hard anyway,
"I. Am. Coming. With. You. Twats. But. Only. If. You. Don't.
Hurt. Me. Or. My. Siblings" I spell it out for them

"Enough with the attitude. Come with us." The guy called James
says. I don't think I'm gonna get along well with James. Oh well I'll just have fun annoying him , but like Jesus Christ, do they all have sticks up their arses or something.

I walk slowly towards them. I'm still on edge.
"Turn around"

For gods sake. I'm not gonna run away. I wanna say. But I bite
my tongue. I turn around and they tie my hands behind my back. One of them takes a hold of the rope. I chuckle at the thought of how messed up this would look to an outsider, but they would think it was messed up for the wrong reason.

"Shut up" James, the one holding me, says.
"Oh for fucks sake. No ones gonna see us or hear us. It's midnight
and anyone who does see us, will just think my stupid arse just got into trouble again." I retort.
A stinging blow landed on my cheek.
"I said shut up, if you know what's good for you."
Oh if he thinks a slap is gonna shut me up, he got another thing
"Oh is that a threat pussy boy." I laugh.
He slapped me again.
"JAMES. Stop. This is gonna do nothing. We have to try at least
to stay on civil terms." The other guy says.
"Yeah listen to your superior pussy boy. Also" I turn to the
other guy who has strange blonde ends. He looks stupid "we won't be on civil terms you twat. You're kidnapping me. If you think we're gonna be 'buddies' you lot are obviously dumber than I thought you were."

"Niall, I couldn't give two shits about staying on civil terms.
This prat needs to check her attitude." James spits at the guy I guess is called Steve.

"Mate, I can give you attitude all I like, coz guess what, you
have no power over me. I've probably seen more in my 2 years on the streets looking after my sisters with my twin, then you're gonna see in your shitty life chasing down teenage kids. I've done worse than what you're probably gonna make me do. I'm not afraid
you twat. So shut up and let's carry on going. Oh" I turn to the two of them, "and if my siblings are hurt I'm gonna have a hella lot to say about it."

A/N: hope you enjoyed it. Couple of questions. How do you feel about death being in this book? I know a lot of people don't like things as extreme as they but I feel like it could be good. Also James is a dickhead isn't he. Please send your feedback
Niamh xx

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