I sat by the pool, dipping my legs in the cold water. Jade was already there, tensely kicking the water forward.

"If someone catches us, we're screwed," she said.

No student could walk around after ten, and I wasn't very sure what punishment could they have for us, but whatever it was, it couldn't be that bad. The only ones who could hear us were the girls from the first floor, and we could easily bargain with them. What I was afraid of was Beth, but she was way too high on the building to hear a thing in sweet dreamland.

"Relax, nobody is going to know," I assured her. "Wanna go for a swim?"

She nodded, and I threw myself into the water at once, the cold not bothering me. She winced at the sight and lowered herself slowly, getting used to the temperature. Soon all girls were swimming and splashing water around.

We were going to start a game of volleyball, so Courtney and I volunteered to go get a ball.

I grabbed a towel and dried myself as best as possible. It was cold, so I wrapped it around me and waited for Courtney to come.

The storage rooms were on the other side of the building, so we went all the way around the school to the boy's side and entered the gym. It was unlocked, and we grabbed one ball and got out quickly.

On our way back, we passed close to the basketball field and heard a ball hitting the floor consecutively. We looked through the green net, locking the players in. Whoever was in there had had no trouble turning on all the lights.

I didn't recognise him at first, but once he turned to us, Courtney squealed. He gawked at us as soon as he heard her.

He grabbed the ball with one hand and walked towards us with a scowl. I stepped back when he advanced. Although he didn't seem threatening before, now, in the dark, towering over us, friendly was not the word I would use to describe him.

"What are you doing here?" Michael Deeks asked. Oh crap, even his voice is scary.

"We... uh..." started Courtney, but she couldn't find an answer or stop stuttering.

If we told him, he would probably tell the teachers, and we were going to be screwed.

"What are you doing here? No one is allowed to be outside the dorms after ten o'clock," I said.

He smirked, not seeming so scary now. "Well, if you find a way of kicking me out of this place, please, tell me"

"Aren't you worried about being punished?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"No. Well, ladies, as much fun as this might be, I have stuff to do, so have fun in the pool"

How does he... oh right, we're in bathing suits and soaking wet.

He disappeared into the dark, heading back inside, and we turned around and went back to our friends.

"What do you think he meant by that?" wondered Courtney.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be here"

We got to the pool and separated ourselves into two different teams. I didn't know the names of most of my teammates, but that didn't stop us from playing.

I suck at volleyball, but Jade is exceptional at it, so we scored some points, but not enough to win.

Jade was really sad that we lost. I didn't quite understand why did it affect her so much. After all, it was just a friendly game.

"Hey, Jade? Are you okay?" I tried to talk to her.

"Yeah, yeah" she brushed it off with a hand gesture but it didn't seem fine. I didn't push it either. She might've been just tired.

It was almost two in the morning when we got back to the dorms after a little snack. I threw myself onto the mattress after getting rid of my swimsuit and back to the comfort of my nightgown. And then, I dreamt again.

I was back on the stage, all lights on me, now dressing in some weird pink dress. Everything was silent and I could see the crowd staring at me from the bed I was lying on.

Someone ran to the stage and knelt next to my bed. It was Micah, dressed in the most ridiculous knight costume I had ever seen. He leaned over, reciting his lines, and kissed me.

It was so soft; he was barely touching me but I felt a million butterflies erupting in my stomach. And the crowd cheered and my heart thumped in my chest, trying to jump out. I was out of breath, not knowing how to react, and it seemed so warm.

And I woke up. As the play should go. But in reality, it was the bloody alarm clock that made my sweet dream melt into a puddle of darkness beyond my grasp.

I sat up and turned off the clock. Courtney looked at me inquisitively from the other bed.

"Why the smug look?"

"I'm going to play Aurora"


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